My hair is a hot mess, the volume is a bit low, and I read - TopicsExpress


My hair is a hot mess, the volume is a bit low, and I read entirely too much from my manuscript, but this was my final speech for my Basic Public Speaking class with Tina Curtis. For the previous three speeches, which were not filmed, we had to memorize our speech and could only rely on a brief speaking outline to find our place. Should have spent more time committing it to memory, but I loved the subject of my speech so here it is! The manuscript is as follows: “The world reacts very strangely to people they see on TV, and I can begin to understand how anchor monsters are made. If youre not careful, you can become used to being treated as though youre special and begin to expect it. For a reporter, thats the kiss of death.” These are the words of Anderson Cooper, a news reporter who has managed to avoid becoming an anchor monster. Through his dedication, passion, and humility, Anderson Cooper introduced to the world a new kind of journalist; someone relatable and unafraid to show the importance of using not just fact and logic in news reporting, but emphasizing the need to consider the role human emotions play in decisions made politically in the United States and around the world. From a very early age, it was clear that Anderson Cooper was a dedicated person. At 10 years old, his father passed away as a result of a heart attack. He was very protective of his mother and because of this, young Anderson quickly felt inspired to find a way to generate income. Although born into a wealthy family, Anderson very quickly expressed a desire to become financially independent, so he began modeling from ages 10 to 14, later explaining, “It’s embarrassing, but there’s not many jobs a 10-year-old can get.” When he was 17, he decided to go on a survival trip to Africa. He has since traveled the world, putting himself in harm’s way by heading straight to areas of conflict in order to inform the rest of the world about what is happening there. In addition to reporting on wars, Anderson has put himself in the middle of violent environmental disasters to spread awareness of the impact of these unstoppable forces. In fact, Anderson was on vacation in Croatia when Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast of the United States and immediately left to cover the disaster as it unfolded. Anderson Cooper never “turns off” his journalistic tendencies…he is on the clock 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and he is truly the definition of dedicated. In addition to his commitment to journalism, Anderson Cooper is passionate. After his older brother committed suicide, Anderson questioned whether or not he should return to Yale for his senior year. Again, just like when his father passed away suddenly, he felt an obligation to protect his mother, but she encouraged him to return to school. He forged on and later cited the incident as fueling his passion for journalism. Years later, already an established news reporter, Anderson immediately traveled to New Orleans upon receiving word of the severity of the impact of Hurricane Katrina on the Gulf coast. He witnessed the destruction first hand and saw the bodies of people who had lost their lives in the chaos. Anderson’s passion for justice caused him to react in a way generally frowned upon based on journalistic standards; He was so disgusted by the lack of action being taken by the United States government to help the people being affected by this tragedy that he criticized Louisiana Senator Mary Landrieu on air when she took the opportunity to applaud the government, specifically the Bush Administration, for their words of support on the issue. “For the last four days,” Anderson said, “Ive been seeing dead bodies in the streets here in Mississippi…I got to tell you, there are a lot of people here who are upset, and very angry, and very frustrated.” His overflow of emotion into his reporting was dismissed by some as unprofessional, while others claims that this kind of attitude, this kind passion is revolutionary to the world of news and that Anderson has become what the people want to see in a reporter. Because of his dedication and passion, Anderson Cooper has had great success as a journalist, but he still remains humble. It is a trait that makes him relatable and respectable, and his approach encourages his readers to truly consider the importance of the information he faces the elements to bring us. Anderson is a “silver fox”…his white hair, boyish charm, and contagious laughter make him stand out from the cookie-cutter reporters of yesteryear. Aside from his good looks and interesting quirks, it is Anderson’s personality that truly defines the quality of his character. Despite his privileged up-bringing, Anderson has paved his own path. Anderson says it best himself: “The stuff that a lot of people dream about—becoming famous or whatever—is ultimately not going to lead you to happiness. I am certainly a child of privilege, and I’m well aware of it, but for me the greatest privilege of my childhood was learning that at a very young age.” Anderson has used his good fortune to help people who don’t have a voice or, at the very least, those whose voices are not being recognized. Anderson worked hard for his success and seems to almost feel an obligation to use this power for the good of the people as a whole, all while maintaining a modest view of himself. It is now clear how Anderson Cooper’s dedication, passion, and humility have altogether positively influenced the way the American public views the news. He has strayed from the once standard rigid, emotionless reporter and encouraged a wave of journalists whose determination and passion for transparency in news reporting encourages the world to become aware of these issues. Anderson Cooper is an American hero and his commitment to the issues that matter to him and the intensity with which he pursues the information he needs to make an informed decision is something we should all implement into our lives. What is a journalist without dedication to their craft? What is a journalist without passion for the stories they cover? What is a journalist without humility in regards to their duties? At the end of the day, Anderson recognizes that his career isnt so much about him as it is the stories that he covers. Anderson is well aware that a shift in this train of thought could very well do him in. Andersons approach to his job as a journalist has inspired me to maintain a similar mindset as I work toward my goal of a career in broadcast news journalism. But these characteristics prove beneficial to any career one might pursue. Anderson Cooper is truly an inspirational person, and it wouldnt hurt for all of us to take note of the qualities that have propelled him into such a respected position in his life.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 04:21:02 +0000

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