My heart and soul are hurting from the deep ..... My heart , soul - TopicsExpress


My heart and soul are hurting from the deep ..... My heart , soul and eyes are crying , are bleeding for My Master Imam Husayn and his Saint Family , ( Best Prayers and Peace be Upon Him and Them ) ...... I wished I was there with him and them .... I wished I could do something ...... I am just so impatient to the day of the judgement ..... so impatient to ask , to beg Allah in the day of the judgement to he give me the consent , the power of taking the rights , the revenge of Imam Husayn and His Saint Faily ( asws ) from those sons of fornicators , from those criminals , those oppressors , those hypocrites , those disbelievers , the amcestors of the ISIS who killed Imam Husayn ( asws ) and his brother Imam Hasan ( asws ) family , and behedead , slaughtered Imam Husayn ( asws ) .... I am so impatient to see prophet Muhammad , and his Saint Family ( Imam Ali ( Cousin of prophet Muhammad , Father of Imam Hasan and Imam Husayn ) , Sayyida Fatima ( Unique Daughter of prophet Muhammad , Mother of Imam Hasan and Imam Husayn and Sayyida Zeyneb ) , Imam Hasan ( Biggest son of Imam Ali and Sayyida Fatima , biggest Grandson of prophet Muhammad ) , Imam Husayn ( Youngest and latest son of Imam Ali and Sayyida Fatima , Youngest Grandson of Prophet Muhammad ) , Sayyida Zeyneb , Imam Abbas , Sayyida Sukayna , Sayyidah Ruqayyah , ... ..... ...... I cant wait until the day of the judgment to see them .... I ask them and beg them to see me in my last breathes , I want to see them and give allegiance to them in my last minutes and then leave to the other world .... I ask and beg them to welcome me in my grave and be often with me until the coming of the day of the judgment ..... And in the heaven , I want to serve my Masters ... I want to serve them water , I want to minute be without a water beside of them ..... And I ask and beg Allah to he give me his consent to fight Imam Husayn and His Saint Family killers , those hypocrites and disbelievers in the day of the judgment as exactly how they did to Imam Husayn and to his saint family , ( asws ) ...... I want to do that before they enter to the hell and be punished by Hells Angels ...... Ya Allah accept my prayers and wishes bi 7aq Al Imam Husayn wa ahli beyt Al Husayn 3alayhim afdhal al salat wal salam , Amin ! This is my true love and true loyalty to Imam Husayn and to his Saint Family ( asws ) ! Zeyneb Mustafa youtube/watch?v=N4huBZ8jz18
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 03:52:20 +0000

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