My heart is heavy tonight, Friends. Heavy and full of anguish. I - TopicsExpress


My heart is heavy tonight, Friends. Heavy and full of anguish. I am simply at a loss to provide any sort of reasoning for the horror unfolding in Iraq at the hands of these barbarians. I just cant get my head around a religion -- ANY religion -- that not only justifies but literally ENCOURAGES the atrocity bestowed upon James Foley. How? How can one human being take a blade to another human being and sever his head in the name of God? Some may be taken aback by those words and think that is far too descriptive but the fact remains that is exactly what happened to James Foley. How much more more agonizing can death possibly be? And the bigger question, how much longer are we, as a nation, no matter what side of the aisle we sit on, going to accept these executions of Americans? The absent outrage is inexcusable. Everyone needs to be talking about this. Everyone. As horrific as the reality is, we need to make sure that all freedom loving people understand that this persecution goes on every single day, wherever these people are in the world. And it doesnt stop with men. It happens to women after they are raped and tortured and beaten. And it happens to children after they are witness to their parents being murdered. And its ENOUGH. We need to stand up and call a spade a spade and stop tiptoeing around political correctness and go after these bastards one by one. Because guess what? They. Are. Coming. For. Us. Their number one motive is to dismantle and destroy Western culture. You can choose to turn a blind eye to this reality and go about your daily business because its not happening in your backyard but its fact. They hate us, our culture and our mere existence. However, we have a distinct advantage. We remain the most powerful nation in the world. We have the technology to pinpoint the locations of this human garbage, kill them and send a message that we will NOT accept this genocide. I dont want to hear that we have to set an example of peace and tolerance. Its not getting us any closer to coexisting with these a animals who, quite frankly, I have zero desire to see breathe the same air as I do. We simply have GOT to make the resources available to hunt down and destroy these people for good. No matter how long it takes or the sacrifice we must make, we need to eradicate them from existence. We cannot teach these people benevolence and love. We cannot justify their actions. They cannot be rehabilitated and their twisted religion cannot be accepted as mainstream any longer. It just cant. Period. End of story.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 01:39:25 +0000

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