My heart is heavy with my sin that is ever before me. It reminds - TopicsExpress


My heart is heavy with my sin that is ever before me. It reminds me of my inability to keep the Law and that I have become an offense to the righteous Judge of creation. I am bankrupt before that God. My tears have been my food day and night. In my desperation, I look to my strength and find that is is worse than I had feared. I hear the accusing voices mingled with my own dragging me down to a harsh and weighty darkness. I am not good enough. My head swims, my heart falters,my courage is shaken and my soul turns in toward itself. The outcome is bleak........Suddenly, I see the Light. I hear the Truth. It is like a canon booming. A waterfall roaring. Containing colors of jubilation, power, ecstasy and unrestrained joy. I am before the Presence that is behind the veil. I hear His name though I cannot bear the weight of it. The Name I have mocked, blasphemed, and belittled. I hear His voice calling me, bidding me to come. He tells me He alone is able to present me without fault, blameless, clean, holy, and pure before His throne of judgement. Hope is kindled. " Is it true?" I ask. "Can You really do all that You say? How can you? You look at me with those eyes of fire and claim it is within Your power to redeem." I question out of ignorance. He stands from His throne and rushes towards me to deliver punishment and judgement. I am met instead with an outstretched, curiously scarred hand. His feet with those same curious scars. He is wearing a robe stained red. It is blood. His blood I realize. " See," He says, " I have done it. It is finished. I took the wrath that was yours upon myself. I died for you. I rose for you. Your debt was paid with my life. I give you life." With some doubt I look up into the face of the Most High and the doubts are slain within me. The voices no longer cling. The burden lifted, I stand to be embraced by the Savior. My Savior. (I Hope you guys are able to comprehend the beauty of My Savior, Jesus.)"Now to him who is able to keep you from stumbling and to present you blameless before the presence of his glory with great joy, to the only God, our Savior, through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever. Amen." Jude 24-25
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 23:45:20 +0000

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