My heart is so heavy for so many reasons, but I feel obliged to - TopicsExpress


My heart is so heavy for so many reasons, but I feel obliged to give my facebook universe a healthy dose of my opinions in the wake of current events. Our progress as humans in the short time we have been around is immeasurable, but new horizons form with every step we take and with that we are forced to adapt or be left behind in the marshes of obsolete DNA. Sometimes we have to just focus on putting one foot in front of the other, but when we get that down pat we can open our focus to breathing deeply and consciously and making sure no one has fallen behind. This is where we stand in our evolution. I am optimistic that we can overcome this divide that has been festering quietly for decades and now slowly, but fiercely revealing itself like a plague among us. Our issue is not Black and White (literally and figuratively). The reason why there is so much discord in our world is that we have not allowed ourselves and those we bring into this life the ability to allocate our energy toward Love. Love for all human beings. ALL of them. Jesus tried to show us this and his beautiful message that we can and should attain our highest potential for the sake of humanity was tainted by the authorities at the time for political reasons. Power. The ability to manipulate a mass amount of energy just by amending a book of stories was too much to handle for many who were given the chance. Like a good game of telephone, is it not easy to see how the words can be twisted? We love the story of Jesus and feel humbled by his acts of Love, but when we put the thought in our minds that we too can heal our brothers and sisters and forgive them of their sins, we become afraid because it tears down our primal dog-eat-dog instincts and rips those core beliefs to shreds. It also comes with a great deal of responsibility that most of us cannot even fathom. Why do we not feel worthy? Why can we not direct an ounce of compassion towards our fellow humans who are aching/starving/dying for the same basic wants and needs...Home, Sustenance, Companionship, Happiness, and Security...even if we disagree?Can we not agree that even the most horrid of human beings still needed these things? Our attention spans are so short these days...the zombification of this nation is well under way. Have we forgotten everything? Do we not understand that life without everyone else would be incredibly dull and life-less? When so many of us ache, do we not all ache? Why cant we just Love for the sake of it...not for the chance for eternal bliss after death, and not question whether the people we give love to deserve it? We cant because we simply do not have the capacity for it. We are thoroughly distracted and though it may not have been intentional, we asked for this. We took the easy road and we still take it. The high road is a hard road to travel, but its got a better view. We have no room for anything else because we throw so much of our energy away. We waste it and with that waste our precious resources...and our sense of power to make a difference. I dont know what to do. I heard once or twice that the answer is within. When you are without, go within. I want to have the courage to make the changes in my life that are necessary, but I can feel so many reasons, excuses, boiling up like acid in my throat. I dont want to live like this anymore and I cant. Its eating me alive.... This morning, I got up early because I felt moved by the restless feet and wringing hands of my brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters. The spark of change is fueling my fire, but I am but One. My great-great-grandchildren are at my feet pleading for my activism and my great-great-grandparents are patting my head...urging me to not be afraid. They are doing the same for you. How long can you go until you cant ignore them anymore? Must they weep before you? Must their gentle patting turn to a slap before you will listen? Come together in this time of division and do not be afraid for it is always darkest before dawn.
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 23:02:09 +0000

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