My heart is with my friend Michel Faulkner today. I need to see - TopicsExpress


My heart is with my friend Michel Faulkner today. I need to see how he is doing. He is a mighty man of God. I also pray for and consider my friend Dewey Friedel today as Yah is putting us together for a mighty work in this season. I lift up my friend Doctor Eric Braverman who continues to fight the good fight of faith, in his way, through science and compassion. I lift up my friend Richard Johnson today as he left me a message the other night and his words of encouragement strengthen me today. As I am on a plane, flying at 26,000 feet we are now out of the turbulence and in smoother air. Most likely, I will be landing at the Dallas Fort Worth airport a bit before 9 central time. I will hop the shuttle and get my rental car and head to my friend Tom Waltzs place to visit with both Tom and Rebecca. I am grateful for this friendship and reminded that it takes purpose to maintain relationship. I look forward to hosting my friend John Stanley in New York tomorrow as well as my friend Marlo Baedenhorst. We will discuss investments past, present and future as we keep His kingdom in mind. Iron sharpens iron and there is safety in the multitude of counselors. Our daily prayer call is happening right now. It is Monday. I think my friend Gloria Bradford will lead the call today. This call was commissioned by the Holy Spirit, through my friend Billye Brim, at the end of June 2007 and we have been faithful to continue this work -- daily -- since then. My friend John Rood came to visit me at church yesterday as did my friend Fred Santos. Fred has found a lovely young woman and we had the pleasure of spending some time with them over lunch. I read some words form Cecil and Rachael regarding home schooling and the joys and the challenges of being a SAHM. (stay at home mom) I was reminded of Proberbs 31 and even though I see these ladies less these days, I trust His word and His investment in them. I miss my precious Danielle, and as I get ready to travel extensively again. Today Fort Worth - tomorrow Atlanta, this weekend New Haven, next week Chicago and Minneapolis -- I am reminded of the years I spent on the road. I dont miss the travel. Still, I am grateful for the friends that I made along the way. I pray for the Smeltzers this morning. I pray for my friend Matt Deutsch and my friend Kyle Newton and for Taharqa who is in San Diego, fine tuning his music and recording it for us to enjoy. Thy Kingdom Come -- Thy will be done -- in earth, on earth as it is in heaven. Next week I will sneak up on my family -- I need to call my Mom now that I have posted this and let her know that I will be in town. I will call my Dad, too. Its funny -- I am not handy at all, but last week I was fixing furniture, putting up light fixtures -- and I could see myself watching him -- I learned a lot -- more than I know. It was actually pretty funny -- painting, fixing, lifting, assembling - my hands on screw drivers and pliers and hammers and -- for some reason I had real skill. The work was easy and quick. And the clean up was minimal. Do what your hands find to do -- and somehow He orders your steps. Train up a child in the way they should go -- and when they are old -- they should not depart from it. Much love --
Posted on: Mon, 31 Mar 2014 12:48:45 +0000

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