My house is NOT for the faint of heart. Been hearing noises - TopicsExpress


My house is NOT for the faint of heart. Been hearing noises since Jimmy went to bed, but theyre usually things falling onto the roof. Since they dont try to get into the house, I usually just turn all the lights back on so the ghosts will go outside and take care of the noises. Critters stay off the roof, ghosts are satisfied. Works like a charm, except during high winds. Hearing noises outside of my very quiet house, while Im still working at the computer. Go to the window in the next room (dark) so I can look out the window and no one would will see my head outlined against the light. When what to my wondering eyes should appear? But a big white dog, whose eyes were even with the bottom of the window (normal height off ground), AT the window peering in at me. Scared the snot out of me. Slapped at the window and the dog starts barking at me, outside lights come one and I see a man at the foot of the driveway coming toward the dog and walking around my cars. No leash. Security light goes out (on a timer). His car is parked in the street with the drivers door open and the interior light on. Dog takes off across two yards and the street, but the man stays in my driveway, looking toward me (some light from the street light that decided to stay on this time). I turn the exterior light to ON (no timer) and just watch and wait. Man goes back out into the street (must have been 7 tall!) to wait on the dog or someone else going after the dog. Eventually, he gets back in the car (no dog), pulls into my driveway to turn around (fan belt squealing the whole time) and hauls it down the street in the opposite direction. Guess he thought Id call the cops on a snooping peeping tom! Suggestion. Get a Kleenex BEFORE you go to the window. And if youre the bad guy, and youre gonna go peeping in peoples windows, use a can of spray on that fan belt first! NEXT TIME: The night I saw a light on in the basement after everybody else had gone to bed. Trevor still lived here, still worked for MPD, and had his SWAT equipment at home. Jimmy did NOT like hearing, whispered to him in bed, as I headed downstairs with Trevor, The Baby Glock is in your back. Dont roll over on it, cause the safety is OFF! Back to work...
Posted on: Wed, 05 Feb 2014 05:24:42 +0000

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