My husband Perry DjStix Holliday writes about having to be - TopicsExpress


My husband Perry DjStix Holliday writes about having to be delivered from rejection as a man in Long Live L O V E: Im sure by now youve read my wifes post. Here is my take on being set free from rejection. Most people who know me know that I am a great debater. I mean, I really am good. I will sit down with you and show and prove to you tit for tat why I believe you are wrong. Another thing that most people definitely didnt know is that because of different situations and things that have been said concerning me throughout my life, I had a mild inferiority complex. There were areas in my life where I didnt know if I could measure up because of what people said I wasnt. I built up several different hard shells on my exterior because of so many hurts and situations where I had been well meaning and taken advantage of, or abandoned by people who I thought loved me. All of this was the same root though. Last night, my wife was used by God to uncover the root of these behaviors. IT WAS REJECTION!! Even though we unknowingly were pricking each others areas of rejection, we never knew that it was rooted in that. We just assumed the other was wrong and we were right. This rejection that I experienced from friends to family to church members, made me hard and it was so subtle that I didnt even realize it. I wrote on a piece of paper every situation and person that ever made me feel rejected and told God. I want to be free from this spirit and every fruit that it has produced in my life and family. The deliverance had to start with the King because the rest of the castle was bound by the same strongman. It produced itself in many different ways from myself all the way down to the baby. But do you know that God allowed me to be humble enough to receive from my wife so that I could be free!! And turn around and be used to deliver the rest of my house! Men it is vitally important that any behaviors or things that you see and dislike in your family, you first do a self check. Everyone in the house isnt tripping. There are different manifestations of things that have to be addressed, but its usually the same strongmen at the root, and until you deal with him by the power of God, your family cannot be free!!! Get free today from everything that has you bound. Then free the kingdom. How can a strongman be bound lest he is bound by one who is stronger than he, then plunder all he has stolen! Jesus Christ is the strongman for us and we share in his power (Luke 10:19). Today I am free, my family is free, and there is nothing the devil can do about it. I feel a lightness that I havent known since I was a boy. I am able to be more sensitive to my family and my spiritual surroundings. Thank you Jesus for freeing us from the Pain, agony, and bondage of rejection. #LongLiveLOVE #Getfreeandstayfree #Startswiththeking #Singlescanbefreetoo!
Posted on: Thu, 07 Aug 2014 04:33:24 +0000

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