My husband and I switched from a service provider that met all our - TopicsExpress


My husband and I switched from a service provider that met all our needs, we had been with for 7 years, yet when we walked into their lobby one day we encountered serious face to face customer assistance issues. So, we told them we were going elsewhere. We went across the street to Sprint. We liked what they told us and switched. Big mistake. That was in December. We have had nothing but problems with our phones from the time we walked into our home. Took my phone in to be looked at, rebooted and all that jazz... even had the antenna in our phones looked at. Then with all the promises and their good words of how much they value their customers they told us that it wasnt the phones apparently but that we live in a dead zone. Dead Zone? Oh, they could fix that... they sent us this Rwave that is going to be boosting our signal and give us the freedom from dropped calls, clarity on the lines, etc. Um, no.... not only did they get us past the 14 days where we could of dropped out of the contract, yet we truly believed them. Big Mistake in our opinion. After may dropped calls with Attorney, Doctors, Hospital Staff, etc. today I reached my limit of acceptance of Sprint even caring. I live in Menomonee Falls, WI. Ive had 9 dropped calls in the last 20 min. I am livid. Im sitting here with an LG L2 phone that does everything I want except... wait for it... wait for it... I can not talk to anyone on it!!! Calls drop, or it sounds like I am talking to someone who is talking into a fan on a helicopter. As I stated they claim we line in a dead zone, that this RWAVE 2.5 that is sitting on our shelf would fix it... no it hasnt. My husband has problems even on his phone. As Ive said weve had our phones looked at, they say the phones are fine. I tried calling the emergency room last week and I was told they couldnt complete my call... Really?, I switched providers for what reason again? Im ready to cut my loses and go back to where I was happier. They may of been rude but at least I had a phone I could complete calls on and have a complete conversation. I am LIVID... my husband is on the phone with customer service trying yet again, to fix this issue with both our phones. After being on hold with Sprint most of the day, with them placing us on hold which added up to 40 plus minutes of listening to their music/or nothing at all other than them picking up the phone and then hanging it back up and eventually passing us off to someone else higher up, we were told they are taking our issue to a priority higher status and someone will call us back in 74 hours. Here is the kicker. Every time we spoke with someone at Sprint today on the phone we made it clear that our phone drops calls, they said dont worry, if that happens we would call you right back. Guess what. They never did. Not even once. Do they value their customers... in my personal opinion, plain and We pay big bucks to just be able to look at our phones and maybe check our emails, or text message. They are useless otherwise. What a waste. Then we are going to be penalized if we drop them as our carrier. So tired of this company in each and every way.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 01:32:07 +0000

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