My input, may be not popular, on the Hindi movie PK: The movie is - TopicsExpress


My input, may be not popular, on the Hindi movie PK: The movie is a very good, well managed and impactful attack on organised religion, including Islam, and promoting core concept and constructs of secularism especially to Muslim Pakistani population. Any reading that the movie attacks bad practices and fake preachers of every religion is only a superficial reading of the script. The movie is designed to generate Muslim (and Pakistani) sympathy towards the characters and core idea of the movie by attacking a fake Hindu preacher, wrong practices of their religion and denouncing stereotyping of Pakistanis. This will automatically create a sense of comfort and ease among the ordinary Pakistani audience with the script and message of the movie. The climax of this communication of the fundamentals of secularism comes in the final debate between the alien and the fake Sadhu where alien doesnt direct his attack not just to malpractices and wrong numbers of every religion but the very idea of organised religion thus rendering it to a private and personal affair of a man and his God. All this recent hue and cry coming from India again reassures an ordinary Pakistani Muslim mind that the movie attacked and hurt Hindu malpractices and sentiments thus again making us prone to the core theme of this communication. Beware! Its not a cultural onslaught but an ideological one. Unfortunately we dont have good intellectual minds who can read into the insights of such movies which makes us more vulnerable to such psychological warfare attacks. And let me repeat it again. I am not saying that the movie attacks Islam but it attacks all forms of organised religion but in this particular movie they are selling this idea especially to Muslims and Pakistanis OR in simple words the target audience of the movie is us though the message is generic and doesnt attack Islam alone. Its like administering a sugar coated drug which is otherwise bitter in taste. If they had chosen any Islamic symbol or practice, in an overt manner, to attack, it wouldnt have generated the desired sympathies of Muslims and Pakistanis towards the message thus they chose symbols of Hindu religion instead to make the communication more popular among us. This will result in our mental association with the core concept of the movie. Unfortunately we dont have any alternative to offer in terms of such impactful communications. We are prone to such message because our society is already under attack by extremist takfiri kharijite thoughts and mindsets which makes us exposed and impuissant to such deviant thoughts and attacks.
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 00:02:39 +0000

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