My journey began some years ago. I hadnt actually chosen to do - TopicsExpress


My journey began some years ago. I hadnt actually chosen to do Energy Healing- in many ways it chose me. It started with a dream that lead to a whole load of synchronistic events that resulted in doing Energy Healing- to be honest I was quite sceptical to begin but many changes in my life followed that resulted from the work I was doing. I didnt begin to share this work for many years as I myself had to undergo a very deep transformation, if any of you are familiar with the process often described as the Dark Night of the Soul, you will be able to identify with the process that strips away layers of false beliefs and identities that no longer serve us. I undertook this journey for over 4 yrs- it was a very intense period of my life and it wasnt easy but it did reconnect me with the source of my power and innate wisdom. I managed to return from the depths of the underworld - again, it has taken me some time to assimilate the wisdom of this journey most of which came through the symbols in my dreams. I trained as a Trainer and then a Life and Business Coach in 2012, which gave me structure- this has helped me to work with people in a respectful way. The coaching process that I trained in very much emphasised present moment awareness and seeing that people often only need the space to be able to find their own answers. All that I do is based on people having their own answers and just allowing the space for the transformation to unfold. I later trained in Addiction Studies and Aftercare Facilitation and I connect addiction recovery with a spiritual foundation. I mostly work around transforming co-dependant patterns, self care and wellbeing. One of my passions is feminine wisdom- a lot of this work came through my own rite of passage and dream work......which I enjoy sharing with others. I will be doing a Womens Empowerment Course in September and I also working on a more spiritual course that reconnects with aspects of the Divine Feminine- Awakening Womens Course- working with chakras, archetypes, movement and creativity! I will also facilitate dream circles- helping people to dream recall, work with dream incubation and working creatively with the symbols in their dreams...... I do not interpret dreams- I prefer to help people to connect and work with their own dream symbols in a creative way! All of what I do incorporates Coaching, Healing and Transformation...... If you have interest in one to one sessions- either face to face, phone or Skype- inbox me for more details....... Thank you for taking the time to read this- Many Blessings!
Posted on: Mon, 30 Jun 2014 10:08:16 +0000

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