My journey so all started 7 years ago and no further - TopicsExpress


My journey so all started 7 years ago and no further forward with the hospital apart from I am lactose, wheat and gluten intolerant, suffer with high scale hypermobility and gi motility.....but still to this day in extreme amounts of pain.....cant leave the house alone in case I faint....lost my job July 2013 because of this unknown illness.....housework is a group job between us all as I cant even manage to do does this make me feel?? A failure as a mum, a wife, a daughter, a sister, a aunt and so on.....I have always been determined that I wouldnt let this beat weight has just spiralled out of control as I was limited on what foods I could eat I was eating what I could but was all the wrong stuff.....then on facebook I see a post for Juice plus. I enquired about 8 weeks ago and took a huge step and signed up.....I had concerns if I would be able to get on with it or not but I had nothing to loose really.....I spoke to my family and they supported me 100% even tho they knew they would have to deal with all the pain they would see me in. They were prepared for me to try this I decided on my birthday to start my two week detox before starting the shakes....I had some bad days and got thru the other side....Im now going into week 6 of shakes and have lost 21lbs which I am proud of.....I didnt do this initially to loose weight that would have been a bonus.....I signed up to try and kick start my body and digestive system into working again and it seems to have helped.....I now can do more around the house, walk to town and back on a good day.....juice plus has given me the tiny bit of freedom from house arrest that I needed even if it is still escorted.....I then decided to see if I could help others on a healthier journey and have become a rep for Juice Plus and this is where I need all your help in promoting my pages for a while so I can make this work. I really would appreciate this. I can then be earning again and take the strain off my amazing husband that works so hard. But in the safety of being able to work at home. Thank you for all reading. And I would like to say a big thank you to Dave, Lynds and David for helping me because without them I would have cracked.
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 10:35:30 +0000

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