My kilt is well and truly packed away, for now! Ive just driven - TopicsExpress


My kilt is well and truly packed away, for now! Ive just driven through the Glencoe Alps, Argylls Lochs and Glens, Loch Lomond and the Trossachs National Park to Lanarkshires once Industrial heartland. On this clear day, I see no beauty, feel no pride or sense of belonging, Ive watched as Saltires burn on Glasgows soil, whilst decent people compelled to have voted No quite rightly disassociate themselves with Scotlands shame, whatever way you look at it though, those fascists waving Union flags and raking havoc through our City are representatives of the No Campaign, they may be in minority but in the form of UKIP, they are fast becoming an authority in our land. Fascism, racism and bigotry is something we must now work collectively across this United Kingdom to reverse and fast. Having failed to engage with the silent majority, empower our people and push through Independence, its very difficult for me at this moment in time to see how we can influence the impending General Election and avoid societal collapse, that is something we must now contemplate. One things for sure, as our new powers are blocked by the Westminster elite, there will be less people who will admit to voting No in the months and years to come than actually did on the 18th September 2014! Having looked at the demographics of the referendum vote its clear the silient majority that the Yes Campaign have failed to get on board have been the 65% of the electorate in the 55+ age group, many of whom are undoubtedly shackled by theological beliefs, loyalism, the historical path of their fathers and forefathers and blind faith in the impartiality of their Daily newspaper and the British Broadcasting Corporation. I take some optimism from the fact that there was an overwhelming majority in favour of Scottish Independence for those aged between 16-54, we do have a Yes Generation, which suggests the quest of the 45% is far far from over! This thistle and the heather will floursh once again and the Saltire will rise from its ashes in George Square, it may take some time but when theres a will, theres a way..... [>
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 14:22:12 +0000

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