My last post was written in the Sky Club during our lay over in - TopicsExpress


My last post was written in the Sky Club during our lay over in Atlanta. Our journey was nearing its end. An uneventful flight to Toronto, the bishop and Kathie were able to electronically deal with immigration, as a US citizen I had a real live human who so warmly welcomed me back to this wonderful country. This so different from the power obsessed TSA agent I got in Atlanta. Going through security on our way to our outbound gate to TO we had to go through the x-ray machine. +Bob and Kathie went ahead of me, as I stepped out of the booth a woman with gloves on beckoned me over. You know that is never good. I asked why she pointed towards the screen with my x-rayed image on it (remember the images were only supposed to be seen by faceless men & woman in dark rooms somewhere else in the airport). There were 3 boxes overlaid on my image. She said that the boxes meant that there was something that I hadnt removed. I told her that I had NOTHING on my person that was not supposed to be there. Undeterred she began the pat down and was joined by a giant of a male TSA officer whose face suggested that it had never cracked a smile. He leaned over me as she went to work. I must say that she was professional and gentle. She found nothing as I had said would be the case, I looked up at the towering hulk of a TSA agent and suggested that possibly the x-ray machine was faulty. He told me that there was nothing wrong with the machine and that was his word! No sorry or some such, just intimidation. I collected my shoes, laptop, iPhone, bits & pieces from the bin and joined +Bob and Kathie as we made our way out of the security area. This was possibly the first time in our odyssey that I had seen the bishop angry. He had watched the whole thing from just a few feet away and declared the agent a bully who abused his badge. To my Canadian friends please know that it made my experience with the immigration officer in TO all that much better. I have never been made to feel anything other than welcome in your awesome country. We continued on to our TO bound flight, the next to last leg of our journey. An uneventful flight, and as I have said a smooth and pleasant re-entry at Pearson. Dennis, our driver, was there when we exited the terminal. It was super to see him, he had done such an amazing job of safely conveying us to Pearson when we left, navigating the 401 so skillfully in the blizzard that delayed our outbound flight. The skies were blue, the pavement dry and we had a smooth drive back to London. At Dennis suggestion we stopped for a really good hamburger & coffee and then we cat napped all the way to the Bennetts. With my luggage loaded into the Jeep I said good-bye to +Bob and Kathie. After being together for 11 days of being together it seemed strange to be parting. An uneventful drive up to Parkhill where a handsomely groomed Murphy was waiting for me. It was wonderful to see the Mad Lad again. On to the shore. Thanks to my awesome friend Paul my driveway and walk had been well gritted and I had no difficulties navigating my way over the glacier that is my driveway and on up to the house. Everything was going very well until I stepped inside the house. I thought that it felt a little cold, a look at the thermostat confirmed that it indeed was cold. I called Geo Tek and met up with Paul and my friend Mary Lou and her son Sam for dinner. Lou and Sam have been here from Australia. Her father Tom Hayman died last week, sadly I missed the service Saturday and with our rain delay on departure I also missed the internment yesterday morning. It was really good to catch up with Lou and Sam.I had dinner with Lou the night before we left and I think that we both knew that I would not see her father again. Gray+ did the service at Bishop Cronyn and was a huge comfort to the family. GeoTek arrived when I returned from dinner. Something in the furnace broke loose and flooded the bottom of the furnace drowning the circuit board and other things. The fix, option 1 to go through the furnace and discover all the parts that were flooded and are pooched and replace them or option 2 new furnace. This furnace is only 16 years old and has been on a service plan. Things are not made like they used to be. I have chosen option 2 and hope that a new furnace will be installed today. The house is no warmer by dawns early light than it was when I walked in last night. Just heard from GeoTek, a salesman is coming by around noon, heaters in hand. I will look at the options and hopefully have a new furnace in the next 24 hours. Remaining so energized by our Brazilian odyssey that this is just a speed bump in the road.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 13:26:44 +0000

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