My latest article! Styling Up: How to Make a Daily Fashion - TopicsExpress


My latest article! Styling Up: How to Make a Daily Fashion Statement “You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” Ah, words of wisdom from the great Will Rogers. In all honesty, how much effort are you putting into your appearance every day? Do you even realize how important it is? According to a study cited by the Social Issues Research Center (SIRC), “Attractive applicants have a better chance of getting jobs, and of receiving higher salaries.” Start making your appearance a priority by utilizing these useful tips. Hair We’ve heard it time and time again; your hair is your best accessory. Ladies, you know what I’m talking about. As for you men, don’t think you’re getting off the hook. When it comes to fashion, your hair can either make or break your appearance. For example, you can sport an Armani suit and still look like crap if your hair looks like a bird’s nest. Sorry fellas, you can’t just buy a thousand dollar suit and call it good. Here’s the lowdown: wash and condition your hair with salon quality products. This will add attractive elements such as shine, volume, and texture. You may even want to style your hair with heat products such as blow dryers or straighteners. Just don’t forget to use a heat protectant! Physical Fitness Yes, I know, it’s the dreaded topic of concern: your weight. The fact of the matter is that being overweight perpetuates negative stereotypes such as laziness. Are all overweight people lazy? Absolutely not. However, it’s about the message you’re putting forth. We live in a society that values being lean and healthy. That is why it is essential that you maintain an attractive figure. Nobody’s saying that you have to be Kate Moss skinny, but you can’t completely neglect your body either. Clothing One of the first things someone notices about you is your clothing. What kind of message are you sending by the clothes you wear? Take a look through these quick tips and make sure you’re not the victim of a fashion mishap! Ill-fitting clothing is the number one fashion faux pas you can make. I don’t care if you’re wearing $200 jeans; if they don’t fit, get them altered! Mix-matched clothing is another eyesore that can render you unattractive. The good news is that learning which colors and textures go together is something that can be learned. Do I even need to mention why old, ragged clothing is unacceptable? Let’s just think about this for a second. If you’ve got holes in your shirt and food stains on your pants, your message to the world is that you’re a slob. Even if you’re not a slob, that’s the message that the world is receiving. Fortunately, you don’t have to toss out your favorite pair of jeans. By getting stylish, embroidered patches sewn into your clothing, you can cover up those old holes and stains. Speak with an alteration specialist and get a quote today! With these few tips in mind, you’re well on your way to becoming much more style conscious. Remember, your appearance is your own unique opportunity to make a statement about yourself.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 22:14:31 +0000

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