My latest letter to Congressman Nugent: Congressman, I have - TopicsExpress


My latest letter to Congressman Nugent: Congressman, I have been very busy lately with local government officials in Marion County. I am very disappointed on many levels thus far. As I am sure you are aware, we are constantly having our constitutional rights violated at every level of government now. I was perusing what Congress is working on and am disappointed that none of the legislation being introduced or discussed deals with the infringement of Constitutional Rights of the people. As I look at the Second Amendment I find that we are to have a well regulated militia and I was able to speak to Sheriff Blair of Marion County concerning this just today. We had a profitable conversation concerning this and the Second Amendment. I do have some Second Amendment concerns that I did not bring up at this meeting considering it was our first. I would like to share them with you since we have established a line of communication. Our Constitution clearly states the people have the right to bear arms and that right shall not be infringed. The word infringed means it shall not be limited or restricted. Therefore, 3 day waiting period is not Constitutional. Needing a CCW is not Constitutional, not being allowed to open carry is not Constitutional. Why are we not dealing with this violation and fighting for our RIGHT to bear arms as WE THE PEOPLE see fit and NOT as the government regulates? Those who wish to crush the United States knows it will take unarming the people in order to do so. As long as we are well armed, we will have the ability to protect and defend our freedoms and rights. I am going to be quite frank and honest at this point, I know my RIGHTS and am now at the point where I will no longer comply with any laws that violate the Original Writing and intent of the Constitution of the United States of America. I am one of millions who have had enough government intrusion into our lives and simply wish to be left alone by the government. I am hoping and praying that there are those in Congress who recognize we have been duped and lied to and they too will not comply with any laws, codes, statutes or regulations that violate the Constitution of the United States of America. Furthermore, those who are guilty of being involved in violating the rights of the people are subject to prosecution for high crimes, misdemeanors and treason and the people will be holding those officials accountable. Governing is to be done by WE THE PEOPLE and since it seems we are not be heard, we will now need to step up and proceed to the next level. I will be writing letters to those who have violated rights by passing illegal, constitutional laws and demanding they turn themselves into the Sargeant At Arms. Should these officials not comply we the people will be forced to file charges with the Attorney General. I would ask sir, that you would assist us in cleaning out the corruption in our government and not be a part of those who are taking part in destroying our nation. We need good guys not afraid to stand up and say no more. Can we count on your help in this matter? Sincerely, Ron Raack
Posted on: Fri, 04 Apr 2014 01:44:57 +0000

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