My least favorite backhanded compliment of all time is when - TopicsExpress


My least favorite backhanded compliment of all time is when someone tells you how great something you are doing in your life is (ie... going to the gym, cooking for your family, a complicated hairstyle you pulled off that day, volunteering, coaching a team, putting together a party, etc...) and they quickly follow it up with Theres no way I would have time to do that. We are all given 24 hours in a day. Im a mom, a Full time Realtor, a pageant coach, a homeowner (including repairs and lawn maintenance), I teach at church on Wednesdays, I coach my son, run a charity, cook breakfast, lunch and dinner, Im a distance runner, I lift, Im a volunteer blood donor, Im pretty much constantly volunteering for one charity or another to either raise money or lend a helping hand. The point is, people have been lying to you. Life IS fair. We all get the same 24 hours. What you do with yours are a priority to YOU. You make time for what is important to you. period. If you want to compliment someone on the dedication they have to any aspect of their life please do not follow it up with why YOU arent doing the same thing in YOUR life. One persons success in their endeavors was never intended to tear you down or point out any inconsistency in your own pursuits so please dont tear them down either. Simply give the compliment and move on.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 17:33:29 +0000

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