My lesson in humility, humbleness and forgiveness. Sunday night I - TopicsExpress


My lesson in humility, humbleness and forgiveness. Sunday night I came home to find a car parked in my extra spot. The guy 6 doors down has a gf who drives a dark colored Acura, and in my spot was the same make, model, and color car. I had it towed. I had asked the gf at least 1/2 dozen times prior not to park there. The last time I did, her boyfriend gave me the finger. I went out last night for smokes, and as I pulled out, I noticed a dark colored Acura parked in my next door neighbors driveway. (not Katherine, the other side) They always park their jeep in the driveway, and I never ever paid attention as to what kind of car was parked in their guest spot. I just had a sickening feeling. I looked over, and sure enough, the plate matched the plate of the car I had towed the night before. They had never once parked in my space before, and it never once occurred to me that the car belonged to them. I just felt absolutely horrible! I didnt know that it was their car! If I had, I would have knocked on their door. It just ate at me, so I decided to suck it up, and knock on their door when I came back from the store. If the situation had been a cartoon, the father would have opened the door with steam coming out his ears, I would have looked down to see a huge red X at my feet, and above me would have been a 1 ton black ball with the words Acme written on it. Talk about wanting the ground to open up and swallow you hole to get yourself out of the horribly awkward situation! I rang the bell. The dad opened the door, and the look on his face actually made me question if I had enough life insurance to cover funeral expenses. He just stood there glaring at me completely stone faced. The first words out of my mouth were Im so sorry. Im so sorry. I didnt realize that it was your car, honest to God I didnt. He said nothing. I started to explain WHY I towed it, and the fact that the gf of the guy a few doors down had the same exact car. He still said nothing. All of a sudden, his wife came downstairs and stood next to him in the doorway. When I saw her, I just burst into tears. I KNOW how hard she works, and how kind she is. That just made me feel even worse. I know how hard they both work, and how they saved for years to be able to buy that house. Talk about feeling like a complete jerk. Knowing all of that just made me cry harder. I think that if he had yelled at me, I would have felt a little bit better, but he didnt. His wife finally said to me it was an honest mistake, please dont cry. The lesson: Own your mistakes. Confronting the person that you have wronged (intentionally, or unintentionally) is difficult, but if you do, you may be surprised at the outcome. (I know I was)
Posted on: Wed, 19 Nov 2014 03:17:22 +0000

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