My letter published in The garden Island news today. -- County - TopicsExpress


My letter published in The garden Island news today. -- County needs manager system Two recent letters to The Garden Island by government watchdogs Ken Taylor and Glenn Mickens were extremely interesting. The fact that the broken system we now have in place is being pushed so hard by the status quo stimulates me to vote for the county manager system that, as they say, is working so well in other municipalities. When I say broken, I cite the many projects that have gone unfinished for so long and leave this island in poor condition. Mount Trashmore in Kekaha that needs a red light on top of the gigantic pile of garbage to warn planes! No new landfill or MRF (materials recovery facility) after years of poor planning; the Kuala gym with a leaky roof and a leaky door for 21 years; roads in shambles cited as the worst in Hawaii; a TVR problem ongoing for years with no solution in sight; one lane bridges an issue for 13 years; a multi-use path costing taxpayers over $5 million per mile with no one questioning the obscene use of this money or what usage we are getting for the cost; and our beaches being more and more infringed upon by landowners limiting the publics use of their beaches. The mayor pounds his chest for all his accomplishments but other than putting leis around peoples necks, what of essence has he accomplished? Giving the chemical seed companies the playbook to sue the county is one I can think of. This county manager system may not be able to solve all our problems but we can’t keep doing things wrong and expect different results so let’s at least give it try — put it on the ballot and it has my vote! Christi Demuth
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 03:02:54 +0000

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