My letter to BBC for tv licence withdrawl. Feel free to - TopicsExpress


My letter to BBC for tv licence withdrawl. Feel free to copy. To whom it may concern, I am writing to inform you that I am withdrawing payment of the TV licence with immediate effect. This decision has been reached on the basis that the BBC is failing to provide fair and balanced reporting to Scotland as is required by its own Royal Charter, specifically failing in The Public Purposes of sustaining citizenship and civil society; promoting education and learning; stimulating creativity and cultural excellence; representing the UK, its nations, regions and communities; and bringing the UK to the world and the world to the UK. Scotland has just witnessed one of the most significant political and constitutional movements in modern history, with the eyes of the world upon us as the nation was asked to decide whether to become an independent county. The BBCs coverage of this crucial time in our history has been woefully inadequate and the bias displayed nothing short of criminal. An academic study into news coverage of the referendum by Professor John Robertson at the University of West of Scotland found that Reporting Scotland presented favourable anti-independence statements by a ratio of 3:2 over a year-long period during the referendum campaign. In the space of a year, BBC Scotland broadcast 272 news items deemed favourable to the Better Together campaign, while only 171 were favourable to Yes. It also found that statements using academic, scientific or independent evidence favoured the No campaign 22 times against just four for the Yes campaign. Nick Robinson’s recent conduct when questioning First Minister Alex Salmond, and subsequent editing of the resulting footage to paint an entirely inaccurate picture of events is another example of the hostility BBC staff have shown towards Scotland. Countless formal complaints have been made to the BBC and several protests have been held in both Glasgow city centre and at BBC Scotland headquarters at Pacific Quay. However, the growing calls for fairness within the BBC seem to have fallen on deaf ears and many Scots feel let down by the organisation. The BBC’s continued membership of CBI Scotland, which identified itself as favouring the anti-independence position in the referendum is unforgivable. There are many more examples of how the BBC is failing myself and my fellow Scots in its coverage, and more are being highlighted daily by an increasingly aware and increasingly disappointed Scottish public. I now rarely rely on the BBC for information on any topic, particularly Scottish politics or current affairs. When I do watch coverage or access online content I always make sure to look for the same story from other sources in order to ascertain the full facts of what is being presented. This is a sorry state of affairs and over many months I have found myself growing more and more resentful that I am paying, in the form of my monthly direct debit for the TV licence, for what I can only describe as propaganda. That is why I feel I must now withdraw payment of this fee and hope that my comments are taken on board and the issues raised are addressed. Regards,
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 14:20:24 +0000

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