My letter to President Obama and variations to Senate Majority - TopicsExpress


My letter to President Obama and variations to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (fax 202-224-7327) and our NYS Senators Charles Schumer (fax 202-228-3027) and Kirsten Gilibrand (fax 202-228-0282). Have you written your letters or made telephone calls yet? To: President Barack Obama, fax 202-395-6179 Date: October 15, 2013 Re: CR to Fund Government Dear Mr. Obama: As an American citizen, I want you to know that I am very disgusted that the Senate and the President are refusing to consider the variety of bills and ideas put forth by the House to fund government, save the US credit rating, lower expenses, and reform ObamaCare. There is a large majority of the American people who are standing with the House efforts to reign in spending, fund government, and reform the monstrous ObamaCare law. The House has put forth a variety of ideas that would benefit the American people regarding ObamaCare and still pass the CR. It’s time to stop playing the blame game. It’s time to sit down with members of the House, members of the Senate, members of the executive branch and work out a solution so that people can get back to work. We know that there are many flaws in ObamaCare. It was passed with the same strong-arm tactics that are being used in the current situation. We didn’t hire any of you to “play politics”. We hired you to govern according to constitutional authority. It’s way past time to get busy and reach an agreement with the House. Stop acting as if the House members are your enemies. The Senate Democrats and you, Mr. President cannot blame the House Republicans for this mess. Get busy and encourage the Senate to pass the House bills that have been offered, and then sign them. We the People are watching this ridiculous spectacle and we are not amused. Sincerely, Diane P. Gardner
Posted on: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 00:35:09 +0000

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