My letter to the BANGALORE MIRROR in response to the totally - TopicsExpress


My letter to the BANGALORE MIRROR in response to the totally shallow, unresearched article on Page 6 in todays paper about the WSOS run Bear Rescue Centre in Bannerghatta, and the baseless allegations made therein. Sir, I am shocked to read the said article in to days Bangalore Mirror. How can a responsible newspaper such as yours publish such a poorly researched, utterly stupid article?! I am a regular reader and a huge fan of this newspaper - well, I was, until now! I am so terribly disappointed! There are certain people, certain publications, certain leaders, you place your trust on and you do not expect them to ever let you down. You have let us, your readers, down so badly today. Your journalists, Niranjan Kaggere and Gautam C seem to have some vested interest in this whole matter as they do not seem to have even bothered to contact the very organization that is running the Bear Rescue Centre at Bannerghatta, namely, Wildlife S.O.S. Have they even visited the centre even once?! How can they tell such blatant lies?! How can you allow such lies to go to print and desecrate your esteemed newspaper which has such a clean reputation otherwise?! I am appalled! I am speechless with anger. Not only have you just lost one loyal family of your readers, but you just fell off the high pedestal of integrity and truthful news reporting that only very few newspapers in the country occupy. I urge you to go visit the BRC. You will see a lot of bears. A lot of happy, contented, normal, un-sick bears, that have been rehabilitated from a horrible life of pain and bondage, and slavery on the streets, and given a new lease of life, in the verdant green of the BRC campus. And you will meet some of those wonderful humans, tirelessly working to make life somewhat easier for wild animals sold into slavery, that they rescue and rehabilitate. I strongly suggest you publish a properly researched article, that gives a wholesome view - and not a one-sided biased opinion of a few small-minded utterly selfish people with vested interests - to counter the terrible mistake that you have made. Sincerely, Chitra Iyer.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 05:53:40 +0000

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