My liberal friends will disagree, dispute and maybe even unfriend - TopicsExpress


My liberal friends will disagree, dispute and maybe even unfriend me. Yet I feel that I have to go on record speaking my mind. The national debt was just under 6 Trillion dollars at the end of GW Bushes term. The national debt just broke 17 trillion dollars. this is not GW Bushs fault. Now you can blame the gop for shutting down the government but if it is broken you dont keep using it so it get worse you fix it (something the GOP has failed to follow thru with). The STAGGERING NATIONAL DEBT is unjustifiable (Not one liberal has yet justified this spending they have only pointed fingers). The Constitution gives power of the purse to congress to keep the machine healthy (Article I, Section 9, Clause 7: Appropriations Clause). This government is spending like drunken sailor with the only difference being when the sailor runs out of money he cant print some. The fault lies on everyone in this country. Nothing this president has done can justify 17 trillion dollars and dont blame that on GW. GW had his own fault but he has been gone a long time now. The real blame lies on this country and everyone of us for not doing enough to keep these political parties in line. OK go ahead and unfriend me now I have had my rant.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 21:15:51 +0000

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