My life has overflowed with intelligent, forward-thinking Mormons - TopicsExpress


My life has overflowed with intelligent, forward-thinking Mormons (men and women) who manage to think, question, discuss, and even differ in ways that help, rather than harm, the church. That has been my experience. There is so much to know and do that furthers Gods work, and has little to do with structures of authority. In particular, a principle tenant of true religion, taught emphatically by the most impressive of all of those who have personally and prophetically interacted with God, is that God is not a respecter of persons, and will engage each person who comes to Him with faith and commitment. The limiting issue is not some organizational structure, but humility, personal commitment, belief, obedience, service, and faithfulness. Those men and women who have chosen that path do not find demonstrations, publicity, or drama to be relevant to a profound and empowering experience. Positions of authority, for men or women, are significant only in so far as they are used to serve others and seek Gods inspiration. However, there is sufficient need for service and sufficient liberality in Gods generous sharing of knowledge to those who seek Him, that a position of authority is not needed to gain those blessings. If you want God to hear you, pray; If you want to hear the voice of God, read the scriptures; if you want to see the hand of God, serve his children.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 23:45:36 +0000

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