My life hasn’t always been easy, nor is it right now. Being an - TopicsExpress


My life hasn’t always been easy, nor is it right now. Being an entrepreneur and living my dream life is not easy. If it were, more people would be doing it. What I do know is that all my life experiences, education, knowledge, relationships and work have given me the tools I need to live this life. It has built my foundation and I continue to develop my strengths and my skills so I can then inspire others to create their most ideal life. What many people don’t know about me is that I have endured extreme heartache and pain from a very young age. Like most people, we all have a story. Our entire lives are made up of stories. We relate to others through stories. We close sales and negotiate sales through stories. We connect with people through stories. It is your story that shapes who you are in this world and how you choose to show up. Problem is, so many people are living their life in fear, and maybe this might be you. They are scared to show who they really are so choose to either: a) numb their feelings out through various activities b) pretend to be someone they are not c) live their life based on how others think they should live their life A nurse has recorded the most common regrets of the dying, and among the top ones is I wish I hadnt worked so hard. What would your biggest regret be if this was your last day of life? 1. I wish Id had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me. So my question is to you, when are you really going to love yourself, give yourself the life that you have always wanted to live and really show up as the amazing person you are meant to? I am releasing a brand new coaching program, beginning December 1st where I will help you: -Breakthrough the doubt, fear and uncertainty barriers that have been holding you back -Fall back in love with yourself unconditionally, learn new techniques to conquer YOU -Forgive YOURSELF for all things that have happened up to this point AND forgive others that have wronged you in the past -Design your most Ideal Life If you are ready, willing and open to take your life to a whole new level, this is for you. If you are committed to weekly calls amongst others and do the homework, this is for U! If you are sick and tired of the “empty” and “alone” feelings, this is for you. If you are simply ready to say YES, let’s do this. This is only open to 7 people and is a very exclusive group. This is a tribe of people who want to make a difference in the world, who want to be the change they want to see in the world, and who want to feel more confident and be more powerful. This is not for you if you are a tire kicker and like wasting people’s time. This program is for action takers and dream builders. If this sounds like you and you want in please reply to this post and say: I’m an Action Taker. I cannot work with everybody and want to make sure we are the right fit, therefore, you must fill out an application form first to see if you’re accepted. It will be sent to you after you type the words above.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Nov 2014 04:47:59 +0000

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