My life is great! I am the most fortunate man I know. I have a - TopicsExpress


My life is great! I am the most fortunate man I know. I have a beautiful family and an amazing wife. This last year has been trying in so many ways and for everyone living on this planet not just myself. It would be easy to concentrate on the constant barrage of things trying to tear me down. Just this last week I once again was the target of a life changing circumstance. However I continue to push on in the face of adversity, as we all should. Life is a game and none of us will make it out alive but we dont have to take the loss laying down. I continue to challenge life to a rematch every time I come in second place. I have learned to love every minute spent with those who are supportive and encouraging, not just by their words but by their actions. In the past I have succumbed to some degree to the conditions around me and the hurdles erected in my path on a daily basis. Not anymore!, I have realized that I am no different than anyone else and why should it be easy for me? I have realized that I am a creative force to be reckoned with, that I am worthy of playing the game and that it is in my power to declare everyday as a win for myself and my family. Life you are nothing more than a philosophical conception of existence, while us game players are actual living breathing beings full of life and potential! I have watched my wife rebuild herself time and time again and obtain and lose greatness many times due to neurological circumstances beyond anyones control. She has been destroyed many times and I mean truly damaged at her core, yet she fights back and re learns who she is every time. All while remaining the single most beautiful soul I have ever encountered. I know deep down I am not worthy of her greatness and that keeps me going, makes me try harder, makes me appreciate how beautiful each day I have here on earth is. She is my one true best friend and my inspiration. Nothing and no one compares to her and the amazing spirit she has. So please everyone listen when I say this. This consciousness we call life is yours!!! Screw you life and your game, Today belongs to us! We are all forces to be reckoned with and we will not take your challenges laying down. We will declare our own victories and happiness. We will measure our own success and pursue and obtain our own happiness and decide exactly what that measure of happiness is. For those of you who do the why me thing I ask you this, why not you, We are all in this together. Smack life in the face and let it know that you are not to be f@#$ ed with! Find your reason for living and then do just that, LIVE! I love you my beautiful wife and to my perfect daughters, I promise to never give up and to show you what it means to push on and fight till the end. You my family, are worth it and I love you!!
Posted on: Mon, 21 Jul 2014 04:08:50 +0000

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