My lil fluent reader;))). When I think of all she has to overcome - TopicsExpress


My lil fluent reader;))). When I think of all she has to overcome in order to read so well, it overwhelms me! She didnt even have her glasses on and Nystagmus (rapid eye movement side to side and sometimes up and down) is everpresent yet she doesnt let that stop her! I am very thankful for online learning because we can magnify most of her work and we never have to worry about light because its built into the computer as well as Assessability options such as contrast or revert colors. Now, reading from a regular text book on the other hand is a whole different story! We have to pull the lamp in at just the right angle and close enough, we have to use one and sometimes two magnifiers, still she has to look very close. Its easy to lose Your place and skip a line at second grade level but its even more challenging when theres a magnifier in the way, not allowing you to use your finger or a reading slide to hold your place. The book has to be held or propped at just the right angle and its such a pain! Of course we still do it anyway all the time but we are very thankful for the computer:) we are hoping soon to gain access to a few assessability tools that we will borrow from the division of blind services. One is called a CCTV and any worksheet/book/reading material you put on it will magnify on a computer screen for her to read. Much more practical than scanning every page that has two smaller font. Sometimes we use her iPad to take pictures of pages that she reads and then she can zoom in to whatever magnification is comfortable for her. There cant be enough good things to say about how technology helps the vision impaired! Making it work!
Posted on: Thu, 06 Nov 2014 21:08:24 +0000

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