My love, Though I am gone, I am - TopicsExpress


My love, Though I am gone, I am still here. I am the wind in your hair,and the light of your candle. I will be home soon.they are letting me go in eighteen months. I love and miss you all so much. Love always, John. Down the rocky dirt road, and past the freshwater pond there lived a lovely family. There is my dad (John), my mother(Margret), my little brother (Zeke) and me, Monica. Dad has been in the Marines since I was born ten years ago.Dad tells us in his letters that he loves and misses us all the time, but it is just not the same when we only get to see him every other month for two or three days. My mother Margaret kept herself busy by cooking , cleaning , and taking Zeke and I to school, and trying to forget that her husband is thousands of miles away fighting for our freedom. Zeke was no older than nine, and loved to play with his trucks , motorcycles , tanks , and all his other cars just like our dad. June first marked the beginning of summer break! Two full months of no teachers telling you what to do,or when things need to be turned in. Zeke and I were so excited that we could do whatever we wanted to do, or did I speak too soon? As I was telling mother about the fabulous last day of school I had, sneaky Zeke ran off with his fishing pole to the pond just up the road. As we finished up our conversation, we noticed Zeke was missing. Mom and I ran around looking and calling out for Zeke. We stopped long enough to hear a cry for help coming from up the road.Without a second thought, I took off running for the pond up the street. I shouted out to mom to call for help. It was a six minute walk, but a three minute sprint. With my heart racing and my mind going a million miles an hour, there was one question going through my head “Will I make it there in time?” Before I knew it, I saw Zeke being pulled to the bottom of the pond by a fish three times the size Zeke was. Before Zeke was pulled completely under water,I was able to grab him and pull him out of the water. As soon as I was able to get him breathing again, an ambulance, fire truck and a police officer showed up.The officer came to me and asked me to leave my brother alone and go by my mother. Was this guy out of his mind? was he sick?, but being the obedient child however, I listened to the man, and went and comforted my mother.Not even ten minutes after, they rushed Zeke to the ambulance and went to the local emergency hospital. The officer that told me to leave my poor brother alone, came over to tell us that it was worse than they expected it to be. There was very deep bruising along the rib cage, the sides of his neck and along his legs, but the worst part of it all was still to come, The E.M.T said that Zeke had gone deaf in both ears and there was a chance, he would not make it. Mom started to cry and blamed herself for what happened to Zeke. Minutes, days, and weeks go by and we finally decide to let Zeke go home to Heaven. He would have wanted it this way. Dad returns home tomorrow for two days, and we will do the Burial and ceremony with close friends and family. I continue to ask myself “Was this supposed to happen this way ,and if so,why? Dad got an early flight home, and went inside the house to find my mother and I sitting and crying in Zeke’s room. He looked around, and noticed something missing, he bends down,holds both of us in his arms and asked us why we were crying. Then, he stops and asked where his little man was. Mother started crying again, and dad asked once again where is little man was. I spoke up and told dad the story, and what has happened with Zeke. He looked at me and then looked at mother. Without saying a word to us, he hugs mother and I and told us everything is going to be ok,and we will get through this together. Two days before school starts, we have the Funeral for Zeke.How am I supposed to go to school after all this has gone on?. School starts in three hours and I just want to stay home and cry.Mom says I have to go and she will pick me up and we will go window shopping.I agreed to go,only if we could get something to add to Zeke’s room.She agreed. School starts in five minutes now, time to get to class. dragging my backpack on the ground like it weighed a million pounds when I ran across my locker,number nine. I sat there and cried for the whole first period of school, When second period came around I tried to hide my eyes which were red from crying, the teacher asked what was wrong, and why I was crying. I explained what happened over the summer,and he said nothing more than shaking his head and asking me to take my seat. Class began at 8:55. He introduced me to the class and wanted me to explain the word “Brother” to everyone and what it meant to me. I said no more than this, “ My brother and my friend what fun we have the time we share my brother till the end”. With this I sat and listened to the teacher finish his letture. After school mom brought me back home to say goodbye to my dad because he is going away again for a month or two. I said my goodbyes and as he kissed my head he said “ take care of your mother and yourself. Everytime you look up in the sky, blow me a kiss and send me a prayer,and I will send you one back.” With those words, he got into the truck and was gone in a matter of seconds. With it just being mom and I ,the house was always so quiet.Still nothing back from dad, not a note,not a call,nothing. Is something wrong? Three days went by and mom finally got a letter from the Marines. It was from dad, the letter said, “ Dear Love, I am sending you this letter,a lot later than I wanted to. I have been very busy,and have been moved around a lot.I will be home in two days and will be there for good. I am looking forward to seeing Monica graduate from middle school ,and to have the time I have missed with you and Monica. I love you and Monica so very much. Love always, John.” The day dad is supposed to arrived home, there was a very unexpected scare that had mother and I very worried. One of the Marine airplanes crashed into the hills just forty miles from us. Mom goes inside to turn on the news to see whats going on, as soon as mom goes inside,a man from the Marines comes to me hands me a bunch of flowers,a card, and said “ I am very sorry for your loss,your dad was a great man. As he walked away,I fell to the ground and cried my eyes out,mom came outside running asking me what was wrong, she saw the man,the flag,the flowers,and the card. She fell to the ground hugging me tightly and told me it would be ok. I pushed her away,ran inside and slammed the door behind me. The loss of two loved ones will never be the same. My brother taught me how to smile and have fun,and my dad taught me how to stay strong. I went back outside with my mom, told her I was sorry. I looked up to the hills were all I could see was smoke. with tears in my eyes I gave my final prayer to my father,wishing him to watch over Zeke and himself till I get to Heaven. With the final prayer said, I hugged my mother tightly and promised I would never give up. The summer came to an end and it was time to start school again. Mom took me shopping on Sunday night so we could get a backpack and a dress for me. digging through many backpacks we finally found the perfect one for me. It had camo and looked like the backpack my dad used to have. Checking out of the store, we ran across Batman, one of Zekes all time super heros. starting to cry, we walk out of the store, This was the beginning of a very long school year. After shopping, mom and I went home and made dinner. My mom asked “ Is chicken stir fry ok?” replying quickly, I said “Yes!”. I was trying to get my backpack all ready for school tomorrow. Mom called me once more saying “ Monica! dinner time! please come eat while your food is warm”. After supper mom and I cleaned up and we both went to bed because we both had a busy day tomorrow. Early Monday morning, my hair was up in a ponytail, my favorite dress tied with a bow.Today was Daddys Day at school And I couldnt wait to go. But mom tried to tell me That I probably should stay home. Why the kids might not understand, If she went to school alone. But I was not afraid; I knew just what to say. What to tell my classmates Of why he wasnt there today. But still mom worried, For me to face this day alone. And that was why once again, She tried to keep me home. But I went to school, Eager to tell them all. About a dad I never see, A dad who never calls. There were daddies along the wall in back, For everyone to meet Children squirming impatiently, Anxious in their seats. One by one the teacher called, Each student from the class. To introduce their daddy, As seconds slowly passed. At last the teacher called my name, Every child turned to stare. Each of them was searching, For a man who wasnt there. Wheres her daddy at? She heard a boy call out. She probably doesnt have one Another student dared to shout. And from somewhere near the back, She heard a daddy say, Looks like another deadbeat dad, Too busy to waste his day. The words did not offend me, As I smiled at my mom. And looked back at my teacher, Who told me to go on. And with my hands behind my back, Slowly I began to speak. And out from the mouth of a child, Came words incredibly unique. My daddy couldnt be here, Because he lives so far away. But I know he wishes he could be, Since this is such a special day. And though you cannot meet him, I wanted you to know. All about my daddy, And how much he loves me so. He loved to tell me stories He taught me to ride my bike. He surprised me with pink roses, And taught me to fly a kite. We used to share fudge sundaes, and ice cream in a cone. And though you cannot see him, Im not standing here alone. Cause my daddys always with me Even though we are apart. I know because he told me, Hell forever be in my heart. With that, my little hand reached up, and laid across my chest. Feeling my own heartbeat, Beneath my favorite dress. And from somewhere in the crowd of dads, Her mother stood in tears. Proudly watching her daughter, Who was wise beyond her years. For she stood up for the love Of a man not in her life. Doing what was best for her, Doing what was right. And when I dropped my hand back down, Staring straight into the crowd. I finished with a voice so soft, But its message clear and loud. I love my daddy very much, Hes my shining star. And if he could hed be here, But heavens just too far. You see he was in the army And died just this past year. When airplanes hit the mountains And taught Americans to fear. But sometimes when I close my eyes, Its like he never went away. And then she closes her eyes, And saw him there that day. And to her mothers amazement, She witnessed with surprise. A room full of daddies and children, All starting to close their eyes. Who knows what they say before them, Who knows what they felt inside. Perhaps for merely a second, They saw him at her side. I know youre with me Daddy. To the silence she called out. And what happened next made believers, Of those once filled with doubt. Not one in that room could explain it, For each of their eyes had been closed. But there on the desk beside her, Was a fragrant long-stemmed pink rose. And a child was blessed, if only for a moment, By the love of her shining bright star. And given the gift of believing, That heaven is never too far.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 04:40:01 +0000

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