My message to my American friends.... I have been, on a daily - TopicsExpress


My message to my American friends.... I have been, on a daily basis, sharing happenings in Gaza. Did you know that Ive been doing that especially for you? All my other friends, regardless of nationality, know whats going on. How would you feel, if you wake up one day, to realize that while you have been leading a peaceful life, minding your own businesses, trying to succeed in your career and raise and nice family, that while you were doing all of that youve been killing innocent children? Well not you directly, but thats been done in your name and with your tax money and actually even with your own approval.... I will explain how and why that is the case, but before that I want to bring your attention to a very important point here. When I watch a video like the one below, where average Americans (not all of course) cannot answer most basic, common knowledge questions about the world around them, and still think their lack of knowledge is on them and that its not hurting anyone, they really need to know that thats not true, they are hurting others gravely with it, without even knowing. So you must be asking, so youre considering me responsible for whats happening in Gaza? My answer is: Im considering your ignorance, passiveness, lack of interest and care, lack of initiative, as absolutely responsible for whats happening in Gaza, yes. To say it more clearly: Had the American people been a little more conscious of the outside world, and caring about their role as citizens of a world leading country, and a democratic country, so many innocent lives wouldve been saved. How many people around the world are saying, if only Americans knew what is being done in their name... why is it that the world knows and you dont?! Israel has been committing atrocities against the Palestinian people for over 50 years, breaking international law, and not giving any regards to even the most simple and most common human standards. Israel managed to choke the US government officials with their extremely strong US lobby, forcing them to always give them unconditional and unquestionable support of money, military, and media. US government officials dont dare speak a word against Israel... and they continue to fund those killings unfortunately with money, power, and brainwashing. As Israel commits these crimes, US government gives them all the tools to do it, and all the protection against anything that prevents them from doing it, like using the veto right to prevent any UN action against Israel. And here is where your role comes in. US government is your government. As a responsible citizen of the United States, you have to be an active participant in the democratic process, voicing your opinion, saying no when you should, writing to your press, to you congress, writing to your President, etc... Do you know what the word We the people means? USA is a democracy, and a democracy means: the nation rules. So when you say the word We the people, you effectively are the ruler of the land speaking. Did you realize this power in your hands? You have the power to end this misery, you do, but you dont know that. You dont know that you have any contribution in this misery in the first place. You dont question where your tax dollars are going or how theyre being used. You know your media is biased, yet you still watch them and believe them, and dont question or speak out against their bias. You have YouTube and twitter and the world news at your fingertips, but lack the curiosity to look outside this limited zone you live in to see whats actually happening around the world. They tell you Israel is defending themselves from terrorists, you believe them. They tell you Israel is Americas only friend in the Middle East and other middle eastern countries are threats to the US, you believe them. They tell you its the Palestinians who start the agression, you conveniently believe them, to avoid a conscience issues within you, thats IF you know who the Palestinians were, and did not confuse them with Pakistanis.... (Sorry, but truth is brutal). You are voluntarily willinging to accept enslaving your brain to lies and brainwashing, without questioning it, without protesting it. You think thats away from your home. It does make you sad, but then you try to give high level opinion by saying that both sides need to stop the aggression against each other, therefore satisfying yourself that youve expressed enough concern and have been fair and balanced. Well, youre not being fair and balanced. You do a great job commending Hamas for killing innocent civilians, not because you understand what youre talking about (no offense) but because you are told to do so. Here is my proof: There is no doubt Hamas attacked innocent civilians in the past and that MUST be condemned, but if you were truly condemning Hamas because you are against innocent killing then where is your condemnation of Israel? And no, you cant equally condemn both sides and think you are being fair and square. When more than 1400 Palestinians got killed just in the recent attacks, almost all civilians v.s. an unverified 30 Israeli militants, its clear from the numbers that equal condemnation is NOT right. Maybe it doesnt give you all the answers, but boy doesnt it trigger any natural curiosity in you to at least ask more questions and question certain beliefs and premises that have been engraved in your thinking and you learned to accept as a facts? Doesnt it for example trigger you to question, on the same premise that made you condemn Hamas as a terrorist organization, that now youre seeing Israel attack more civilians and Hamas attacking more militants, and maybe you should also call Israel a terrorist state and condemn it 1000 times more, in addition to voicing concern to your government about supporting the Israels aggression and crime against the Palestinians as self-defense and giving them more and more and more money to continue to do it, with your tax money and in your name? If your home is being attacked and your family is being killed, and you are deprived the most basic human rights, wouldnt you be raining down rockets at your attackers till you achieve your justice? My dear American friends, not all of you, but waaaaay too many of you are drowning in ignorance, and your ignorance ... is a crime. WAKE UP! https://facebook/photo.php?v=680150615405313&fref=nf
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 21:17:44 +0000

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