My morning has been, for the most part, quiet. If you have - TopicsExpress


My morning has been, for the most part, quiet. If you have been following me, you know that usually I am not a morning person, unless I somehow managed to stay awake past my peak sleep time (4 am) and now there is no point in trying to sleep. If The Husband is home, I usually will sleep my required four hours, if he isnt I get two and wake up to do the mom thing. For the last month, between my chronic pain issues and my bodys demands I have been getting to sleep by at least 1 am. Its new for me. Last night, being two children down. I gave myself special treatment and then fell asleep in The Husbands arms by 11 pm. It is a good thing, and I was up at 5:45 am to start my day. Actually motivated for once. Laundry started, a blog post written, emails sorted, schedules for this month planned out! All before The Boss woke up for Breakfast! I impressed myself a little. After a very exciting breakfast of oatmeal, that I allowed him to feed himself! Not my brightest moment! Although he did eat almost all of it and only wore a small amount! Win! I say win! Two cups of actually hot coffee and a quick clean up, followed by independent play! Its been a seriously quiet morning. I am having a flashback to when The Oldest was little! Dont worry this will be shattered once Inch and Smiles return and chaos of getting ready to leave the house with all four begins! How have your Saturday morning been so far lovelies? It is Saturday, right?
Posted on: Sat, 03 Jan 2015 14:39:23 +0000

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