My morning studies in Him today the word of God the Holy Bible - TopicsExpress


My morning studies in Him today the word of God the Holy Bible reminds us many times dont give up: Scripture abounds with examples of those who found open doors at points when many would have concluded they were bolted shut. As we read through the Bible, we find numerous instances where individuals reached important horizons late in life, or after repeated tries, or in spite of extreme obstacles. Sarah conceives a child when both she and Abraham are elderly, and a number of years later Abraham remarries after Sarah dies. Isaacs servants dig a well successfully after two major thwarted attempts. Joseph realizes his dream of leadership after years of servitude and imprisonment. Moses becomes a champion of his people forty years after his first passionate attempt utterly fails. David becomes king of Israel in spite of severe ridicule from his brothers, apathy from his father, and numerous battles with Saulas forces. Hannah gives birth to many children long after her husband has accepted her barrenness and encouraged her to do the same. Ruth finds joy in a new marriage after her first husband dies; and Naomi, bereft of her husband and both sons, finds unexpected solace in a grandchild born to Ruth. Zechariah and Elizabeth are blessed with a child in their old age, and the angel declares that this gift is in response to their longstanding prayer. It isn’t easy to determine whether a frustration is an obstacle we are meant to overcome, or a “closed door” from God—but the devotional goes on to talk about how to discern each situation. Has this happened to you recently? Was the obstacle you encountered a test of faith to be endured, or was it a prompt from God to focus your attention elsewhere?
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 10:43:05 +0000

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