My most recent letter to our local MP - please feel free to copy - TopicsExpress


My most recent letter to our local MP - please feel free to copy and paste and send to your own MP - it can all be done very easily online - just click this link and type in your postcode; https://writetothem/ - please act now - do something today because life in Britain is not going to get any better for anyone under rule of High Treason. Dear MP, Further to our recent correspondence in which I have asked yourself as my MP to vacate Parliament on the grounds it is corrupted by treasonous powers and also, to report the crime of treason and now, I ask you to assist in establishing an interim Government to investigate treason. Please look at the links at the end of this letter, these are just a sample of evidence and they are very credible samples too from professional people who know what theyre talking about and who have no need or reason to lie - they are in fact, extremely concerned about where things are going in this world. As an MP and with influence among others of your own and other professions, I urge yourself and your team to share the information and to very seriously think about all the implications. In the videos below, Ken OKeefe, John Pilger, Gordon Duff and Dr Udo Ulfkotte a prestigious German reporter, each express their disgust and frustration with the levels of lies and corruption at work especially in Britain, America & Israel. We need to face reality: Treason is not a conspiracy-theory, treason is a conspiracy FACT. I am by no means anti-Jewish and I do understand that the Zionist entities controlling Israel, Britain & USA are in fact, usurpers of the Judaic faith. I am also, very concerned for the safety of true Jews who will undoubtedly be persecuted as this anti-Jew/anti-Israel feeling mounts in light of the terrible and overwhelming evidence of Israeli lawlessness and atrocity; the news that 9/11 was an inside job IS going to hit the mainstream this year - the floodgates cannot hold back the mass awakening to the undeniable facts. It is of utmost importance therefore, that decent and honest politicians and professionals of Britain come together and with the open and full public support of non-Zionist Jews, to lawfully condemn Zionist philosophy as racist and fascist and therefore, a lawless philosophy on a par with Nazi & Klu-Klux-Klan illogical-rationale/insanity. I cannot stress enough the peril we face as a nation this day and it falls to those in high places to wake up to the issues and get active. There will be a little trouble for a short while if we do and double trouble for a very long time, if we dont. The illegal debt is not getting any smaller and already, Britain can barely afford the interest/usury. The truth is, we can no longer rely on mainstream news to provide any truth of a fair and accurate perspective on world events - the news they do not ignore is heavily manipulated and distorted to promote the latest corporate-propaganda. Neither can decent members of Parliament trust the Intelligence by which they are asked to make decisions on voting over such important issues as invading Iraq and bombing Libya; I trust John Pilger. I trust Gordon Duff. I trust Ken OKeefe. I trust Dr Udo Ulkotte. I am asking you to trust them too. The only way forward is for the sympathic among your numbers and members to collectively speak out against the treason, to offer yourselves in the upcoming election as a choice for an Interim-Government established specifically to investigate and eradicate treason and corruption from Parliament and other UK offices of power. I am SURE you would win by a landslide because people really have had enough and i can tell you sincerely, that many among my professional friends are getting very concerned and angry at the levels of media & Government complicity and ignorance they are witnessing. I think any such interim Government NEEDS to be headed by honest and already established politicians in order to maintain existing levels of public credibility those politicians hold - we need to build on what we have because at such a delicate time, the public needs familiarity and stability during this type of change which CAN happen peacefully i.e. see Iceland. My concern is, that left to continue in this course of austerity/economic-terrorism via the global-criminal-cabal as identified by Gordon Duff, Britain will suffer widespread riots which will be triggered by agent-provocateurs, as i strongly suspect the 2011 London riots were deliberately triggered and specifically, to promote the propaganda about the Benefit Culture in preparation for the draconian Benefit Cuts which effectively, have robbed the most vulnerable of hope, health, income and life itself with thousands driven to suicide. A police State will quickly ensue as the solution and with all semblence of democracy eradicated. So, as a people, as a nation, we have a choice, either an emergency police-state or a democratically elected interim government established to uphold the law and investigate internal tyranny. I think the prognosis is very realistic in terms of the evidence and the levels of obvious tyranny at work; not ONE of the present poilitical parties now standing for Parliament has any CLEAR way forward or offers Britain any REAL hope of eradicating the debt and becoming a productive nation once more. There are MANY viable and positive solutions but the first thing we need to do is refuse to pay the illegal debt on the legally valid grounds that it was imposed undemocratically and that the banks were NOT a public or national industry. If necessary, people like Blair & Brown will need to face charges and arrest e.g. treason, war crimes and theft. According to UK law, stolen property must be returned to its original owner - any losses suffered by those who unknowingly bought stolen property must be paid for by seeking compensation from the thief. Once the debt is eradicated and England has established our own lawful bank, we can then invest in building eco-industry in Britain and liberation of all varieties of hemp is KEY to a successful eco-industry. By helping ourselves we build a stronger, more self-sufficent Britain; food growing projects in every community - eco-power stations in every community - industry making cheap solar panels and produce from hemp = oil, fibre for paper, clothing, concrete, fertiliser, animal-feed, and nutritious food for people and children. The point is, the present system has failed and it was bound to fail. We need a new way and the new-world-order is actually, the OLD world-order of pre WW2 except now, with 21st century technology. It is a dangerous, psychopathic power and threatens to bring humanity to extinction in its madness - witness it at work in Palestine. I urge you to give some serious consideration to the information, guidance and concerns expressed here. I urge you to take action, to take courage and stand firm on the side of the Law - we can no longer brush uncomfortable reality under the rug - people are DYING and many more will lose their lives if we as a nation fail in our lawful duty to report the crime of High Treason. Ken OKeefe; https://youtube/watch?v=gfXecU3v-70& Gordon Duff: https://youtube/watch?v=W73mooU2zEk John Pilger: https://youtube/watch?v=HAGyXF80u2g Dr Udo Ulfkotte: https://facebook/video.php?v=10205172620663053&fref=nf Yours sincerely, Miss Deborah Mahmoudieh
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 13:35:59 +0000

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