My mother, my sister Christine and I just watched THE CONJURING - TopicsExpress


My mother, my sister Christine and I just watched THE CONJURING together. As predicted, my mother took exception to several aspects of the film, especially the notion that we were not a religious family. Anyone who has seen the film knows the Warrens are portrayed as devout Catholics, the Perrons as godless heathens and nothing could be further from the truth, except of course the part where she tries to murder her own children, but Ill get back to that! During the closing credits she was quick to remind us that the family photographs we provided the producers were all taken on Easter Sunday 1970 -- ON OUR WAY TO CHURCH! She was emphatic on this point. Needless to say, she wasnt too thrilled with her depiction as a mother capable of murdering her own children but she considered that so out there she let it go, chalking it up to overzealous screenwriters. Oh, and by the way, my mother does NOT bite, even when provoked…or my father would be covered in scars! She knows there is more coming around this story and hopes the next time it makes it to the silver screen, it is an accurate portrayal of our family. However, she could not help but marvel at the synchronicity…the wind chimes, the white cat folk art on my mantle board, the four-poster pineapple bed, the family dog being killed (which was so upsetting I didnt even include it in the books!) and the same wallpaper we had at the farm…all elements of the film they could not have known about. So, she also knows it was in some way kissed from afar, a cosmic stamp of approval. Bathsheba? She got a raw deal. Mom now understands why that incident occurred on the set on the day we were there in March of 2012. Overall, Im glad the anticipation of it is over. I remember the day she saw the first trailer. She crossed her arms and said: I would not have been caught dead in that ugly skirt. Thats my mother. Understated Virgo with a critical eye and a sense of what is supposed to happen by divine design. It is over. Now she knows what all the hoopla has been about! Thanks for your support of our family and your interest in our TRUE story. Shes gone off to bed now but Ill be sure to share any comments with her in the morning. Bless you all ~ Andrea
Posted on: Sun, 15 Jun 2014 02:36:38 +0000

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