My my my were has fifty five years gone and especially the past - TopicsExpress


My my my were has fifty five years gone and especially the past 37. It seems like yesterday I was slipping your wedding ring on your finger and we where saying I do. I know the first couple of years without The Lord was rough BUT since we totally dedicated our lifes to Jesus it has been as good as it could be. You have always been right by my side no matter what backing me in every way through thick or thin. I know when we first married we didnt have much in common and now 37 years later we cant be separated we want to do everything together. We could finish each others sentences. Through all the baseball, basketball and football I coached the boys you were always there I couldnt have done it without you then at 25 I started pastoring and boy was we in for a treat. You never complained even though some weeks I was gone preaching every night or taking care of church business as I said earlier I know a lot of times you kept your mouth shut just to keep down trouble and we grew in The Lord together. One more thing i always new if no one else was praying for me while i was preaching i knew you were. I could write a book but want but you know your the love of my life and always have been. I cherish all the nights weve laid in the bed studying the word of God together and always everyday praying together I know thats why God has blessed us with so much joy in our lifes. I do hope this is the greatest birthday ever and we get to spend the next 37 and more together I love you so much honey and thank God everyday he put us together as I said Saturday theres no doubt we are soul mates and one flesh. Thanks for putting up with me the past 38 years. Theres no doubt your the greatest wife God ever created. I LOVE YOU Jeff.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 13:41:34 +0000

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