My name is Alissa and I have a story about Ari, Olivia Duran lost - TopicsExpress


My name is Alissa and I have a story about Ari, Olivia Duran lost husky that I would like to share. I live in San Clemente but I have been working at the Barstow College for four months. In those 4 months I have only driven myself 2 other days. I always drive with my husband. Today I decided to go in a hour later. As I was getting off Barstow Rd. exit I saw a scared doggie sitting on the shoulder of the freeway. She was in danger. She was so afraid and didnt know whether to keep going up the hill into the sticker bushes or into the road with all the cars. Her paws had stickers and she kept shifting from paw to paw. As I approached her I talked softly and was trying to reassure her. Thankfully last night I made myself a sandwhich for lunch. (In the four months I have worked at the college I have only taken a lunch one other time. )I saw how scared she was and I knew she was getting ready to run. She didnt know whether to run into the stickers or into the cars. I put my hand out and gave her some meat and she waited for more. I tried to grab her collar but she decided to run. Cars slowed down and stopped as we went running across the highway. She was headed to the freeway and wasnt far away. I started praying , Lord please let me get her. Keep her safe. She turned and looked at me and I had a tiny piece of bacon left. I gave it to her and this time she let me take her by the collar and we ran back across the highway again. Two cars were completely stopped on the highway and watched to see if she would get in safely. It was so awesome to see so many people care so much for a lost doggie. I didnt know if she would get in my car but I opened the door and she jumped right in. I drove to the gas station and started asking if anyone lived on Barstow. I kept getting nos. At this time a lady walked over to me and told me that her husband was a off duty police officer. They were just passing thru and they had just called the highway patrol to have a officer go get her before she was killed. Two more ladies walked by and we asked if they lived there and they did. I told her that I had found a dog and needed to get her to the pound. I pointed to my car told her and the officers wife I was going to get her some food and they could pet her if they wanted too. I was in line a couple of minutes. When I came out they told me the lady that lived in Barstow thought she saw this dog on FB this morning and had already called the people and they were on their way to see if it was their dog indeed. A couple of minutes later you and your husband drove up and confirmed that it was your Ari. What was so awesome about this story to me is that God brought 4 complete strangers together today for a few moments to answer a prayer. 4 people that happened to be at a gas station doorway at the same time. One person that just happened to see a picture of a dog that morning on FB. A person who made a turkey and bacon sandwhich the night before forgetting that she was going to get lunch with a friend. A off duty police officer and his wife who were so happy to see the dog they just called in about was now safe. Before they left they went to their motor home to get a bowl so she could eat and then they gave one of the strangers, me, their phone number so they could find out later what happened to her. After work I got on FB to see if I could find Aris family. I typed in Barstow and then Barstow lost dog page popped up and there I saw Aris picture. My point in sharing this story is that I just want every one to know that there is a God that cares about big and small things. A God that loves us so very much. A God that still makes sure the lost is found. One that made sure this story had a very happy ending. It was a pleasure to meet all of you today. It made my day. Sweet Dreams to Ari. Im sure she will sleep well tonight;)
Posted on: Wed, 14 May 2014 02:55:58 +0000

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