My name is Amy de Breyn and I refuse to pay for e-tolls. I am a - TopicsExpress


My name is Amy de Breyn and I refuse to pay for e-tolls. I am a FREEway user! Dont let SCAMral scare you! (5) If an alternate user does not pay the toll contemplated in terms of subregulation (4) within the time and at the place and subject to the conditions that the Agency may make known and determine, the Agency MUST within 32 days after the alternate user has used an e-road but after expiry of the grace period and unless the user has registered, SEND AN INVOICE to the said user, to the last known address provided in terms of the National Road Traffic Act by such user, reflecting the amount of the toll payable and such invoice shall be paid by the said user on or before the date reflected on the invoice. (6) The Agency may follow criminal and civil process to collect all outstanding tolls if, DESPITE AN INVOICE HAVING BEEN SENT, the user continues to fail to pay such outstanding tolls within the period stipulated in the invoice or at all. In KUBYANA v STANDARD BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA LTD 2014 (3) SA 56 (CC) the Constitutional Court held that a notive in terms of the National Credit Act must REACH THE consumer. On the same ratio the invoice must reach the consumer. Mulder is wrong. The obligation is to pay the invoice and does not arise upon use.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 08:36:18 +0000

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