My name is Angela Campbell and this is my THRIVE Experience. I - TopicsExpress


My name is Angela Campbell and this is my THRIVE Experience. I am 33 years old, a personal trainer, wife of a police officer, and soon to be mommy this January 2015. I have always been told I am notorious for taking on too many things at once, but I honestly enjoy staying busy. I was a full-time personal trainer in a gym and taught spin classes. Two years ago I took an 8-5 job as well as kept a few clients before and after work because I wanted to continue helping others. After a year or so of this combination, I honestly started feeling tired more than ever, less motivated to train my clients and even my personal workouts were struggling. If I didnt have clients to train, Id find myself coming home at 5, putting on my sweats and not leaving the couch for the rest of the evening. Anyone who knows me, knows this was just not my natural personality and I didnt know what else to do to get motivated. Then in January 2014, a good personal friend and fellow trainer, Aaron Aponte started telling me about this product called THRIVE. Like most, I was super skeptical and kept telling him no thanks, good luck with what youre doing but its not for me. After months of watching him feel better and help so many people, and make great money at it, I decided to at least take a sample. Day 1: within 10 minutes of taking the capsules I immediately felt energized and wide awake mentally and ready to take on the day. The shake tasted better than any protein shake Ive ever tasted and the foam was super easy to apply. Day 2-7 : same results every morning with a little more clean energy every day with no crashes or jittery feeling what so ever. I also didnt crave the daily coffee I had gotten in the habit of drinking at work. Day 10 : I love to run and was limited because of the discomfort in my knees from the normal wear and tear. This was when I really noticed that discomfort was totally gone and that I had to continue my THRIVE Experience and share it with the world. Last week of March 2014, I decided to take this opportunity and signed up as a promoter. With the amazing support and guidance from my uplines, I was able to hit my 800VIP in first 9 days, 1600VIP in 11 days, my 4K with my earned iPad in first 3 weeks. Then I continued on, hit my 12K car bonus in May for the first time and last month ended up reaching 40K and continue to grow and change lives. With this product and business opportunity I feel the best Ive felt in as long as I can remember with only taking the 1-2-3 step process and throwing out the 7-8 supplements I was taking daily to try and achieve the same results. My husband and our families are now all THRIVERs and benefiting as well. Im happier and more motivated because this opportunity has given me back my passion for health and fitness and being able to help others again on a daily basis reach their highest health potential. Most important to me, it has allowed me to feel amazing while continuing to THRIVE while helping my family prepare for our next chapter as parents in more ways than one.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 16:58:13 +0000

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