My name is Carly Wilson and this is my THRIVE EXPERIENCE. I am - TopicsExpress


My name is Carly Wilson and this is my THRIVE EXPERIENCE. I am a mother to two energetic children, wife to one fabulous husband, and I also work part-time as a speech-language pathologist. Needless to say life gets crazy, and before Thrive I was worn out. I would drink an entire pot of coffee on my own. I also napped daily with my kids and would go to bed early every night, but did not feel rested. My dear friend Lyndie Davis had been messaging and emailing me for months to try this amazing product called Thrive. I had never heard of Thrive and had never had any interest in supplements before, so I basically just ignored her. At the end of July 2014, she came by our home for a visit and brought with her a 3-day trial pack. For all you moms out there, you know summertime can be especially exhausting when youre home with the kids all day trying to keep them entertained. That day I was feeling especially tired, so when she put those products in my hand, I just had a feeling my life was going to change. The next morning, I woke up and swallowed my capsules first thing, drank my lifestyle shake 20 minutes later, and applied the DFT. I wanted to give the products a fair shot to work, so I decided not to have any coffee, By lunch time, I was feeling it as they say. I had tons of energy and didnt even miss my coffee! I was rearranging furniture and redecorating my house, and my kids were so excited that I wasnt forcing them to take a nap. Day after day, things just kept getting better. Aside from the amazing energy, I have more control over my eating (and Ive lost 15 pounds!!), I dont have those little aches and discomforts I used to feel in my neck and shoulders, I recover more quickly after intense workouts, and I sleep more soundly. Ive been Thriving for 5 months now, and all I can say is LIFE IS GOOD!! I started promoting the products after 2 weeks of Thriving, earning my VIP800 and iPad bonus/4K. 12K and auto bonus is next yall!!
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 23:37:44 +0000

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