My name is Caths and i have TMS (Tumefactive MS) a very rare form - TopicsExpress


My name is Caths and i have TMS (Tumefactive MS) a very rare form of MS that appears like a Stroke, or tumor in the Brain... TMS lesions have left four black holes the size of golf balls in my brain and from the MRI Scans and medical History i got a true Diagnosis which can be taken back to when i was 15 years old, so have had it all my life i am 59 years old now but still feel like i am 18 lol... I had a Stroke in 1990 which was misdiagnosed and i was ill for five years, blind for 2 months, all my left side was affected and i could talk but nobody could understand me.. Our Girls were 18 months and 8 years old at that time and now they are 31 and 24, so it was a long time ago..I had what we thought was another stroke in 2008 and off of work for 6 months... i will post my story for you as i do not have to type it then... lol.... but what i am trying to say is.. Have you ever heard of LDN (Low Dose Naltrexone)? BBC online NHS stories: I had a stroke BBC online NHS stories a stroke inspired me to be a nurse Any way LDN is an amazing drug i have been taking it for just over a year now, and only after the second day i felt the benefit... all my brain fog lifted and i could say whole sentences again. LDN is being hailed as the new wonder drug for Autoimmune Diseases. Have a research yourself on the LDN Research Site i will pop a link in for you https://facebook/groups/LDNRT/ youtube/watch?v=YmUa2gL2Adk The petition is out of date as the video was taped about 3 years ago i think... but still told in an understanding way by Dr Chris Steele. TV AM Good Morning Program..well it is well worth a research, sorry the story gets longer every time i tell it lol. Please feel free to copy and paste it if you think it could inform or help anyone else, i dont mind,Even more amazing things have been happening to me since i have been on the LDN for nine months now.. I feel energized and the way it works is to reboot or re-balance your immune system and trigger off your endorphins by 3 x as much as usual, so you have a feel good factor... There have been no fatalities and there are so many stories on the LDN site of how it has benefited thousands of people all around the world... I have been taking LDN for a year now, i am still seeing benefits and notice little changes when i least expect them... I have my confidence back, i am happy, and not living in the moment anymore, but looking forward to the future... My first grandchild, Joshua born 31st May 2014 is a week old now so I am a Grandma for the first time, very excited about that.He is an absolutely fabulous little fellow, and we are all so happy to have him in our lives. It is such a pleasure to concentrate on life happenings, rather than my TMS all the time, and what i can not do... now i enjoy chatting with others and not forgetting what we are talking about, or stuttering. I feel like my oldself is coming to the serface which is fab... I still have problems, with Standing for too long. and can only walk a short way before having to sit down,but my whole attitude has changed, i dont worry about what i cannot do and just concentrate on the positive things in my life... I have a lovely caring family, and i am enjoying living again.. .All thanks to LDN.. Fabulous.... Lot of information, but i think Knowledge is Power, so Power to you.. If you are on or thinking of trying LDN(Low Dose Naltrexone) Please come and join us on the LDN Users Chit Chat Group any Conditions, all are welcome Just Click https://facebook/groups/168458790027420 Love and hugs Caths xxx
Posted on: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 23:11:02 +0000

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