My name is Cindy DeRossett from Queen Creek, AZ and this is my - TopicsExpress


My name is Cindy DeRossett from Queen Creek, AZ and this is my THRIVE Experience. I kept reading story after story of people having unbelievable results.....but I was certain I would not be one of them. I am a fraud....or I was, rather....from 2002-2013 to be exact. In public, I played the part of the vibrant, full of life person I had always been since birth. But behind closed doors during this time, I was sad, tired all the time, dealing with some physical aches and discomforts, unable to focus, and living in a dark cold pit emotionally and mentally. If you called me, I would quickly get into character of the encourager, the cheerleader, the bright light, the psychiatrist, the comedian. When the call ended, I resumed my role of crawling under the covers. It was a constant, daily battle of confusion because this was not the person I was....the person I was designed to be. And I certainly was not living the life that God had planned for me. During those years, I must have tested hundreds of different products in hopes for relief. I only ended up with a cupboard of half-empty bottles and an even emptier spirit. When I was introduced to LeVel, as a believer in the network marketing model, I honestly was most impressed with the opportunity to be a part of something that had set out to correct the injustices of this industry. Jumping aboard a skyrocketing company in their infant stages and being a pioneer only comes along every 15-20 years; THAT was exciting to me! As far as the THRIVE product, I immediately thought of people I loved who could get the relief like the folks from the stories I had read. Again, not me, however. Why hope just to be disappointed again? When my product arrived, I thought, “Everyone is hollering about their immediate experience, I might as well see if I notice anything.” I placed my capsule pack on my nightstand so I wouldn’t forget it upon waking and crossed my fingers. Day 1: I was greeted with headache tension headache as soon as I woke up. I took my capsules and 20 minutes later mixed the powder in a cup of super cold water.....and watched the clock (at this time we were about a week away from launching the DFT™). In 23 minutes, my headache was gone. I began cleaning my kitchen with a spurt of clean energy I hadn’t had in a very long time – my family stared at me as though I sprouted a 2nd head. Throughout the day, I noticed being able to stay on task without distractions, my appetite was controlled, I had none of the usual discomfort in my body and I was HAPPY. Day 2: I woke up WITHOUT a tension headache. I had slept amazing the night before (was always a tosser) and was ready to tackle the day. Day 10: Discomfort I had been dealing with prior was still gone. I was feeling AWESOME and it just kept getting better!!!! Now, nearly 11 months later, THRIVE continues to fill those gaps and correct my weaknesses. The effectiveness has not faded or stopped working like most other things do. I have the same incredible energy today as I had at the start, I am vibrant, happy and feel 20 years younger. Thank you to Paul & Jason for creating something that helped give me go back to living the life I deserve. I am forever grateful.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 20:57:24 +0000

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