My name is Dina Angermeier and this is my updated Thrive - TopicsExpress


My name is Dina Angermeier and this is my updated Thrive experience. For those of you that do not know me, I am a 39 year old mother of 6 kids, ranging from 10 months to 27 years and a grandmother of 3! I believe for someone else to understand how Thrive has truly helped me, they have to know where I was. This is not easy to say, but I want to help the people that are where I once was. If I wasn’t at a required activity, I was on the coach. I was on the coach while my wonderful husband worked up to 60hrs per week. I was sleeping in while my husband started household chores on the weekends. I was on the coach with a headache while my husband was starting dinner. Occasionally I was on a bar stool trying to drink myself happy. Then I won a week supply of Thrive from my friend and neighbor. I’ve never taken a daily vitamin in my life. I really didn’t expect much and didn’t think I’d remember to take it more than a day or two. Boy was I wrong!! It’s so simple! The first day, I was not on the coach quite as much as normal, but I wrote it off as a good day. Day 2. I realized I had to pour out every Mt. Dew that day, because I simply didn’t want it. I was also off the couch a little more. It was day 4 that will be forever imprinted into my memory. I was playing in the kitchen with my daughter while making supper. That in itself was surprising! I kicked a ball to hard and made a huge mess. I looked into her eyes and saw her recoil and prepare for my normal reaction to another mess. I saw at that moment the type of parent I had become. Amazingly enough, I did not react as normal. My daughter ran to me with smiles and a hug and I knew at that very moment, I had to find a way to stay on this amazing product, Thrive!! I used bill money to order my first upgrade package. At the end of my 14 days, I hit my VIP800 which gave me all my money back and FREE product!! I have won cash and credits from the leaders above me. I am helping myself, my husband, my mother and other friends and family feel better. I am losing weight, craving water, eating better and exercising. I’ve lost 45lbs and several pant sizes in 4 months. My hair and skin are healthier. My headaches are gone. I have a ton of energy. Most important are the changes on the inside. I am changing my life for the better and I am happy for the first time in years!! I am playing with my kids and seeing the joyous smiles that make life worth living! I have my long lost confidence and positive attitude back. I have found myself! I have set a lot of goals and failed. It wasn’t until I went to Texas for the Success Magazine launch that I realized why! I had stopped dreaming years ago. I had stopped believing that I could make my life better and provide a better life for my children. I might have had goals, but I didn’t truly believe that I could accomplish them. What is life without dreams! I have my friend Ashley O’Conner, amazing leaders like Missy Kemp and the two co-founders of an amazing product and generous company called Le-Vel to thank for teaching me to dream again and that we were all meant to Thrive! Please talk to the person that shared this page with you! Everyone of us know why we Thrive and are just waiting to find out how we can help you reach your dreams of a better life.
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 15:55:34 +0000

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