My name is Erin Nicole Barlow ( pegram ). I am a child of - TopicsExpress


My name is Erin Nicole Barlow ( pegram ). I am a child of P.A.S, PAS is stands for Parental Alienation Syndrom! What is PAS? PAS is a condition in which the custodial parent, in this case my mother, dominates her own narcissistic personality against my father, who she hates with such passion that she has forced her Hatred for my Dad onto me. Thanks to my mother, all her own made up fears and hatred for my Dad, have passed on to me! Stories I have been told about my Dad, which have been proven as lies by my Dad, with backed documentation, & his true loving actions. My mother left my Dad just days after I was born, she told me my Dad hated me for being born a girl...that my Dad only wanted a boy! She told me this lie so much to her self, my self and any one else that would listen that she believes het own lie! In addition to this lie, she insisted that my Dad who had picked my name before my birth as Brittney Nicole Barlow, had given me the name Erin, mom told me that my Dad left me for a women in New Jersey named Erin, who he was claimed to have named me after! In reality, when I was born, the women at the hospital who was incharge of nirth records was on vacation, and would not be back for a week! It was not uncommon for this situation, in the small town I was born in, in West Virginia. My mom and Dad tried to wait for this women to return from her vacation! My Dad was only 19 years old when I was born, my mom had just turned 17. My Dad had just graduated high school, and my mom had dropped out! Mom and Dad had no home, no job, & no way to take care of me! My Dad realized the delema of raising a baby girl, with a stay at home mom, back in January of 1996. My Dad decided to go back to high school to get his high school diploma. he did this knowing if I was to have a chance of a real middle class life or better that he had to buck up and be responsible for me! My Dad after graduation from high school secretly enlisted in the United States Air Force before I was born. He did this not to run away but to prevent my mom from going into stressed induced laber! My Dad delayed his entry till after my birth! Why? He did this so he could be there at my birth! My Dad was! He helped deliver me, he cut my umbilical cord, he was the first man to hold me! First man to kiss me! And first man to tell me he loved me! My dad loved my mom so much, I think he loved her even more that verry moment in my life! A few days later after my mom and dad took me home from the hospital, my Dad sat my mom down and told her he had joined the United States Air Force, and that he had to leave for basic in less then a week! The next morning my mom left my dad and took me home to my Grammas, my Gramma would not take us in at first. We had to find a place to stay, and my mom was hiding from my dad. She was pissed that my Dad had enlisted in the Air Force. My dad looked for me up to the day he had to leave for Basic Training! My dad called my Grammas house from texas, and my mom talked to my dad, he promised her he was going to marry her when he came home from basic training, he cried and told my mom that he missed me so much, and that he knew he was doing the right thing for me! While my Dad was away at basic, trying to create a safe and providing life for my mom and me. My mom was kicked out of my Grammas house, and my moms best friend introduced my mom to her husbands best friend, my mom moved in with him and in a few weeks my mom was pregnant again with my oldest baby brother! My dad finished basic training and came home not knowing that my mother ran off with another man (boy)! My dad not knowing my mom was prego, begged for my mom to come home, get married as planned! Mom refused and after a week of my dad begging mom and me to come home with him, my mom and her BF packed what little stuff they had and ran away to live in west virginia with my moms best friend! My Dad looked for me until he had to leave for advanced tech school. My Dad never left for some women, he joined the USAF! My mom changed my name from Brittney Nicole Barlow to Erin Nicole Pegram, and she also never put my Dads name on the birth certificate! My mom was so angry for my dad joining the Air Force, that she did everything possible to hurt my Dad, by keeping me from him! She has hid from my dad for 16 years, my dad found me, because his wife was a teacher at Atkins High School! My Dad made contact with me, and has done everything in his power yo prove he loves me, and wants me in his life! My mom has scared me into not loving my Dad, I did love my Dad and was so happy he found me and wanted me..everything my mom said about my Dad turned out to be total bull crap! My mom told me that when dhe was pregnant with me, my dad got drunk, and she said he did this a lot! That he beat her up, in order to induce a miscarriage, all because he didnt want a baby girl! My mom told me she ran away from my dad to save her self and my life! I know this to be a lie, because when mom and dad were talking, they went down memory lane, and talked vividly and in detale about the moments in the hospital when I was born! But regardless to the fact I know this new story to be a lie, I hate my dad and want nothing to do with him! I refuse to talk to him, my mother insist that he is stalking us, so im scared of him! Honestly as much as I think I see him, I honestly never see him or if I do, he doesnt see me! My dad creates a facebook, but never friends me, I guess because I told him to never contact me again! I dont think hes scared too, honestly think he is being respectful to my request! So my dad creates this facebook page, never contacts me directly, but leaves his page open for all the world to see, but only posts messages on his page to me & only me! He wishes me every day a great day at school, tells me something about my little brother Myles, and always ends it by telling me he loves me and misses me!im forced to nlock his facebook so he cant see me, I guess he creates a new facebook hours after I block him. He has created like 10 facebooks so far, only to some how reach out to me. If any one reads this, please tell me if you think my Dad is playing me, is crazy and stalking me or if he honestly loves and wants me in his life Erin Nicole Pegram
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 15:18:09 +0000

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