My name is Ethan Sisser. I have been a close student and friend of - TopicsExpress


My name is Ethan Sisser. I have been a close student and friend of David for over 3 years. Im writing this message at the request of David. He is currently in Ontario Shores for Mental Health Sciences and does not have access to internet, so he has requested that I log in on his account and make posts for him. Some of you might have wondered what happened to him, and why he suddenly disappeared after being such a consistent presence on facebook. Here is what happened. I am sharing information from Davids letter to me: Dear Ethan, On December 1st 2013, after three months of taking Wellbutrin (an anti-depressant that helps smokers quit smoking, which is what I was taking it for..... WRONG DECISION!) I blacked out and started having seizures and psychosis during which I ATTACKED my OWN MOTHER! Praise God though she is now completely O.K and is completely clear about the FACTS and KNOWS this was NOT my fault and in fact wants to see my DOCTORS AND the makers of Wellbutrin BEHIND BARS. I was arrested though and taken to the hospital (I do not remember ANYTHING from Dec. 1st until Dec. 5th) where I had such violent seizures I injured staff and equipment and was told later they had never seen seizures that bad. I was placed in a medically induced COMA and when I woke up, was told what had happened. I was taken FROM the Hospital (AGAINST the Doctor PROTESTS!) by Police and charged with aggravated assault (One step below ATTEMPTED MURDER!) In my first 3 weeks I was involved in five fights while defending little guys from big guys who were trying to muscle them for various reasons and was moved each time. Eventually (Because evidently doing the right thing and putting my own safety on the line was/is considered crazy). I was put in the hole (isolation... or seg). I was put on half rations and got no xtras as the policy is to not allow inmates to send on their xtras to other inmates in seg. I was also not allowed to see a doctor for 3 MONTHS or use a telephone etc. I was suffering 10-25 micro seizures a day, and being in my freezing cold cell and without enough calories (I lost 45 pounds in 2 months!) micro became GRAND MAL seizures. I began taking stock of situation and self-treatment. The seizures, many micro and 5-6 Grandmal episodes per day continued for over a month tapering off to ZERO seizures within six more weeks after I began drinking my own urine (Shiva therapy), starting off with 2 cups my first 2 days and adding a cup per day until I was consuming 6 cups per day and rinsing out my eye sockets and nasal passages 3-5xs per day as well. (I had a SEVERE toothache as well during this period and rinsing the cavity out with morning urine (stinky dark yellow stuff which I also washed my face, hair and hands with... cured my dandruff and now my grey hairs are being REPLACED with red and brown again!) took the pain away. I also slept each night with banana peels against the soles of my feet inside my socks. Most importantly though... I PRAYED AND MEDITATED at least 50% of EVERY WAKING MOMENT! (I feel/know that THIS had as much to do with me returning to total wellness as the urine and banana peels). My meditation was always followed by meditation and then opening the Bible wherever “Spirit” Guided me (either “at random” or where I last stopped or wherever I was “suddenly inspired” to do so). By March end, I was FREE! Not only of seizures but ; Fibromyalgia (Chronic Fatigue and Chronic Pain), which I have suffered with for several years AND somehow the SEIZURES rewired my Brain and I am no longer a DISLEXIC! Praise God! Ethan, I wrote my BOOK! It is called FAITH. A guide to understanding what God is saying to us all the time... (and He really is!) AND a publisher wants it (I wrote a Christian Publisher called “Hebron Ministry Publishings”, a 25-page copy of a piece of it. My love of “self-discipline” is very VERY good now as is my “physical fitness” (I can do over a thousand pushups, 600 jumpjacks, 280 chin-ups, an hour of YOGA and various “kata” (martial arts forms) in ONE “session” three times a week, though I vary this with several other exercise routines and will do 4-5 days in one week and then take 2-3 days off followed by a strict “three day” week (so every other day). I am still doing all the other stuff but have been a P.C (Protective Custody) “range” since April 3rd so have a lot more to DO! (I was in isolation from December 21st to April 3rd). I have not felt this calm and at PEACE with myself and others EVER. Anyone I have managed to talk to on the phone has been ASTOUNDED at how the timber and warmth of my voice has transformed. I am truly coming into my “Father” self. The best book ever is “The Shack” by W.M Paul Young. A. My own book is soon to be completed and Im asking you to post, requesting donations. They can send to my paypal account ([email protected]). Donations are for a “Publishers Advance” as it were, with anyone who does so getting a signed copy AND the satisfaction of “Helping a Helper” (me) to get a Book published that will REVOLUTIONIZE how people perceive God and help the planet and its people to HEAL and SURVIVE the apocalypse. B. ANYONE can buy Books online and have them sent to my jail in Canada, but only for a few more months and I will read any such and then leave them for other inmates. This would be a BOON! Especially stuff that will RAISE the CONSCIOUSNESS of these guys in here that DESPERATELY NEED IT! They can send the books to C/O Chaplin and I will tell him to keep them if I get out and read them and lend them to “special” inmates he feels would benefit. P.S. The gospel of Mary Magdalen would be two that would BLOW HIS MIND! LOL) They can send books and payment advance for MY book to: Im thinking of starting a charity program, and Im enouraging people who are reading this now, to order books online that Inspire them and to send them to prisons all over the world). Many of these men only learn to read once they are in jail, and/or only have ever read a couple of book. For once in their life, they have the time and the incentive to sit sown, and take in something more than rap music videos and UFC fighting) (message from Ethan: this address is updated as David WAS in a different location) david sullivan ontario shores center for mental health sciences F.A.U 700 gordon street whitby street ontario L1n5s9 May 284th, 2014 7:27AM Praise God I will be spending 2 months, starting August 28th, 2014 at a psychiatric hospital to be evaluated, to make SURE it was JUST a temporary and chemically induced thing, NOT a permanent one. Remember... when in NEED... PRAY! And HoHopopono
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 20:21:03 +0000

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