My name is Eva Vasilisa Garleanu - TopicsExpress


My name is Eva Vasilisa Garleanu Address, Email phone number S T A T E M E N T Unfortunately from September 2013 our country appears like a bloody stain on the European map due to the violence directed against animals, first on the list the stray dogs. In September 2013 a 4 year old boy died, they say he was eaten by dogs in the center of Bucharest. The real picture is totally different. This boy died first of all because his parents, grand mother neglected him and his older brother (6 year)and during 2 hours nobody was interested where they are, they left the park and reach a private wasteland(about 1,5 kilometers distance from the public park), where no normal and mature person would venture. Really we don t know how he died. Dogs that are supposed to have it torn and eaten Ionut, dogs with master not homeless dogs (according case Prosecutor) dogs protecting the private land.These same dogs clean without any stains of blood on them, with one exception only one dog with one stain , were friendly moving their tails without exception when dog catchers entered into their backyard with clubs and cages to catch them (television images were broadcasted in our country). One of the dogs was 20 years old, all dogs were killed but no blood samples was taken from dogs, the Romanian press published pictures of an American child bitten by dogs as Ionut dead. The American child is alive and loves dogs. The death of a child is an unbearable tragedy and we all cried for this poor and innocent child soul. But I made these comments because its immoral and inexcusable as a family that has neglected the children immediately after their childs death to go to televisions, to sit on face book, ask for permanently killing of all the dogs, willing to eat them as some Chinese people still do, asking for more and more money their dead child. I believe that there is no family that has brought more misery to this country with the direct assistance of the authorities. This family never showed even the slightest remorse over what happened to their child. State victimize this family although they neglected both own children. State is happy and develops dogs street business, better dead than alive, for huge amounts, as election are coming. Nothing can justify the animals; dogs, cats carnage taking place in our country after the SHAME law no258 was adopted. Stray dogs, dogs with master, even cats are killed legally or not, nobody is punished. Dog catchers are taking all dogs from the street, it doesn’t matter they have master, they are kind, old, sick, puppies. They are violent , they don t have any kind of knowledge in this field and they don t care, dogs die on their way to the shelter, or they die from starvation in the shelter, or eaten by other dogs, or killed with criminal and no mercy methods during night when they are stubborn and don t die because so called ‘’natural reasons’’ . People who respect life and loves animals are treated like crooks, mocked, their rights and private property are violated. More of this all is happening with the approval of state and its institutions.The Prime Minister Ponta even though he signed a protocol with FPAM when he was President of USL and he declared that never will agree with euthanasia, mentioning at the same time that he is a man who respects life and loves animals. In September 2013, he signed also the law of shame and now tolerate, support the carnage and the tyranny against those who respects life without having the courage to take on the responsibility of an official position on everything happening in the country. Mass media also is not free and entertain hysteria against animals. Reason of this situation is lack of education and greedy. A dogs catchers receive 50 euro for one dog caught dead or alive. Bucharest Court of appeal judges have decided on June 20, the suspension of the rules at the request of Vier Pfoten Foundation, which has claimed a number of contradictions between the text of the law and the rules for its application. The decision taken by the Bucharest Court of appeal was ignored by City Hall, the order was to continue catching and killing dogs by any means. When animal lovers were out in the street to film dog catchers, illegal activity after the coordinator of ASPA has injured several people, including a child, beat on the street with citizens, struck a woman, the only measure that has been taken against him was to retain his driving license. Bancescu has no qualifications in any field, except that for years was the man of the mayor Oprescu, he is a nullity, proven criminal who took the money allocated for dogs, who lies and denigrate NGOs and citizens who respect life. The only reaction of mayor Oprescu, attention applying for president this year was to waste more public money , involving also the police to protect illegal activity of the dog catchers and to harm and attack honest citizens, citizens who pay their wages and love animals. I speak now about Bucharest but with a few exception this situation if not worst is the same all over the country. Bancescu with the full support of Oprescu is trying to make new laws, the maximum financial punishment for those who feed stray dogs on the street, or if they follow a dog that enters the garden of a man they can follow dog also on the private property of man, obligations, maximum financial punishment, prison for those who dear to adopt a dog and rights and praises for those who kill dogs. This is todays Romania country manipulation and ignorance and corruption is possible because education and culture were not among the priorities of our leaders in the last twenty years. After September 2013 hundreds, thousands of complaints, petitions were done to authorities for, abuses towards people and animals I dont know if in a case or two people were punished. Do you know that we have journalists on televisions pathetic asking rhetorically how we are allowed to make demonstrations for dogs life this for them meaning that we want to kill children, he also verbally injured all not young women in Romania for daring to rise or love dogs, his name is Lucian Mandruta. Our children are terrified of what they see on the streets. Do you know that no television say at least one word about international demonstrations made all over the world against violent treatment of dogs in Romania. Do you know that if a woman throw away his own baby in a plastic bag and the baby dies, because the dogs smelled and scratched the died baby they say the dog killed the baby, its horrible but true. Same with a poor woman who died because she drank too much, another man was found without his head, children scratched are described as they have been eaten by dogs, allocation for children is small for all the stray is guilty. And these lies are broadcasted by all televisions with no exception. Funny thing is that these dogs are dying in vain because on the other side many abandon their dogs being scared by the authority policy, no adoption is encouraged, sterilization became a word only, puppies are thrown away at the corner of streets all the time. Im a mom, I have two big, beautiful girls with mind and soul and already know to make difference between right and wrong, I worked and traveled much abroad but nowhere I found so much malice as in my country. I was sick with cancer and I managed to win the battle with this disease.I really honor the gift of life for everybody on the earth. Unfortunately, since this hysteria and general crime started I go to sleep and wake up when i manage to sleep with request that this animal abuse should stop and step by step to change the mentalities and eradicate crime and corruption. Every body who respect life is affected directly by this situation there is no day not to be a new case of abuse, not see how animals are tortured, we are much more nervous, more recently Ive learned to hate and speak and injury other persons and i try hardly to control my self. I am always in defense because I am proud of my principles. When I am out I wear distinctive signs so that every body should know that I care for animals. I also intend to buy a protection arm. I have episodes of anxiety, I am stressed, all the time I am in defense for my family and my animals. I will never understand why I have to choose between loving a child, pay my respect for old helpless old people, care for social cases and loving, helping, fighting for human methods to raise all stray dogs from the streets. I dont know where and when some (thanks GOD not all)Romanians lost their human side? Nor why is not enough room for every body on the Earth. Hoping in a major change, thanks for listening me. Eva Vasilisa Garleanu Bucharest, August 15, 2014
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 10:48:29 +0000

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