My name is Julie MacGregor. I am 31 years old, I am a wife and a - TopicsExpress


My name is Julie MacGregor. I am 31 years old, I am a wife and a mother of a funny, energetic 2 year old boy! This is my THRIVE EXPERIENCE. My life before THRIVE, was a big time struggle with energy, uncontrollable cravings, daytime naps, sleepless nights, brain fog, muscle tightness, and stiffness, morning foot discomfort, shoulder tension, and some lower back aches. I might have left some other issues out, but you get the picture! I felt like that was as good as it was going to get, just because i was getting older and have some health challenges. So I pushed on. I ate well when my cravings let me, I did zumba, and I jogged. But something was missing even tho I was taking my daily regimen of probiotics, multivitamins, other supplements...BLAH! I was never one to try any other supplement except what you can get at the store. But I began looking for something more because I had never felt so bad as I had in the past year and a half or so. My friend shawna barron posted something about free THRIVE, message me? I read her post thinking, this doesnt sound like the shawna I know. But I messaged her anyways. She sent me 3 day sample. My first day, I did not like it. I was ready to pass on it. But shawna followed up and I told her no, this isnt for me. So she said yes, dont give up, mix ur powder with this, or try that. so I give the 2nd day a try and felt something good happening. Day 3 I was ready to jump in. I signed up as a promoter. Ordered. Shared my entire order with my family. Signed them up. They loved it. They ordered. I believe I had 6 days left to hit my VIP 800 and I did. Less than 30 days I got my iPad mini and hit 4k! Now Im just sharing my story and working towards my 12k. But my drive really is helping people LIVE the life they DESERVE. Because we all deserve to feel this great! I am now on my 7th week. Im really living the clean steady energy. The brain fog is gone, the muscle tightness and stiffness are gone. I wake up, feeling great. I sleep soundly and have not had a restless night since using THRIVE! I have a new outlook on life and no longer feel I am going through the motions! Its an AWESOME feeling. THRIVE brought the best me forward! It has filled in my nutritional gaps. And i feel whole, completely whole. Some days are more great than others, but I know I never want to feel the way i did before I started THRIVE. I feel like THRIVE is my very own.....PERSONAL TRAINER! THRIVE gives me the push and drive I need, to get things DONE! Whether its with family, working out or at work or somewhere in between! I truly believe THRIVE, is a true blessing. WOOT WOOT! Some about my husband. He does not say much about it. But every morning I get a tap on my shoulder asking for my THRIVE shake. Sometimes the day before a really busy, or really early day, he will ask me to make his shake the night before!
Posted on: Thu, 12 Jun 2014 00:17:37 +0000

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