My name is Louis Francois Marie Joseph de Bussy, The Marquis de - TopicsExpress


My name is Louis Francois Marie Joseph de Bussy, The Marquis de Bussy-Castelnau and I am a Vampire. I was born in 1718 and born into the darkness in 1746. By early 1945 after becoming disillusioned with the World and disgusted with the horrors I had witnessed... I left the World of the Living and returned to the World of the Dead. After nearly 70 years of slumber, I awoke. I was very weak and but a mere shadow of what I once was after my long sleep. I needed to feed. I walked slowly through the over grown cemetary where I had slept. It was a very cold night. A thick frost that had covered the time worn crypts and headstones the frost glistend like tiny crystals within the light of the full moon. Frost covered grass crunched under foot as I made my way towards a dim light peaking from within one of the crypts. Something that once resembled a man sat by a small fire, his clothes more worn than the tatty SS uniform I had slept in. This man was around his mid forties and smelt like cheap whisky. As I approched him, he turned and offered me a drink to warm myself... who was I to refuse such an offer. Before he could even take breath I had lept upon him bitting down into his neck, that sweet warm crimson elixir flowed down my throat and I could feel myself becoming something like the old Louis again. Now I should probably mention at this point a few little facts about Vampires. We do not always sleep in coffins. Vampires can go without feeding on blood and sleep indefinately, but in doing so we become very weak and eventually enter a coma like state. Only the blood of the living can wake us when we enter this coma like state. Crosses, Garlic, wooden stakes and silver may work in the movies, but that is where there usefulness ends. Daylight is a real problem for us. We can actually go outside during the day, but direct sunlight weakens us, and the longer we stay out in it, it will kill us. There are another couple of ways you can kill a Vampire, but really... why would I tell you.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 13:30:19 +0000

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