My name is Nepeta Leijon. It was only a 2 sweeps ago that I got - TopicsExpress


My name is Nepeta Leijon. It was only a 2 sweeps ago that I got stuck on this meteor. I was only 6 sweeps old, 13 in human years. Now Im 8/17. Life has been hard since the game. My own playfulness has left me long ago and has been replaced by matureness. I walk down the halls alone, heading to my moirails respit block. The hall is oddly cold and dark, the faint sound of honking echoes around me, but I simply ignore it. It means nothing to me anyways. I sigh as I walk moderately faster, grumbling to myself Why does Equiuss room have to be so far?!. I pull my coat closer to my body as I continue to walk on, the honking seemingly growing louder as I do. I continue to ignore it. I shouldnt of had..... Gamzee emerges out of the shadows startling me and causing me to get my claws out. When I calm down I put them away and glare at him. Gamzee you idiot! You couldve gotten your face slashed! Dont ever do that again! I grumble. He stares at me as I start to lecture him about coming out of nowhere and scaring people. His eyes, I take notice to, are not normal. Well they are never normal but this time, they put me on edge. They look crazy, almost murderous, and my senses are telling me to run and get away but I dont. I fall silent as I stare up into those eyes. He takes a step towards me, and I inch backwards, causing him to glare at me. He pulls one of his hands out from behind his back, which is holding one of his clubs. I step back from him once more, and he scowls. He raises his club up, and I turn to make a run for it, but he steps on my tail, holding me in place. I silently curse at Equius for installing it into my spine and tug on it to get free. Just as it becomes lose, Gamzees club comes crashing down onto my skull. I scream as intense pain radiates from where he hit, and I collapse to the ground to my knees. I hold my head as there is still pain. Gamzee kicks me in the stomach and I yelp, all the air knocked out of me. I curl up in a ball, trying to cease the pain, and he takes advantage of this. He starts to kick and hit my body nonstop, and I cry out in pain, wanting it to just stop. My vision slowly turns fuzzy and there is black rimming it. I try to get away, I try so hard. But it all hurts. It hurts so much. Why can no one hear me?!?! SOMEONE HELP ME! I can hear my bones crack and break, I can feel them as well. Gamzee honks crazily as he continues to beat me. Everything becomes silent......and dark...I cant see or hear anything anymore.....wait..... I can see now. Theres a bright light in front of me. I must... I need to get to it. I cant feel the pain anymore, and I cant hear Gamzees mad honks anymore. This is it.... this is my end. I didnt expect to end this way.... I didnt want to go.. but I know I have to. I silently and sadly whisper to myself, knowing that Equius cant hear me, let alone anyone. You better believe ill see you soon Equius.... I walk to the light, its so calming....and welcoming... I like it.... I reach it and look behind me at the darkness, and I softly mutter Goodbye was fun while it lasted... and I slowly walk into the warm...embracing... light. ~Damara
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 07:23:08 +0000

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