My name is Niki Gomez and this is my 8 week Thrive - TopicsExpress


My name is Niki Gomez and this is my 8 week Thrive experience! First and foremost, I want to thank God for all His continued blessings. I am a single mother of two spectacular children, ages 20 and 12. Unfortunate events that have occurred over the last three years really took a toll on me physically, emotionally, mentally and financially. For a long period of time, I had to peel myself off of the covers and drag myself to the shower. I spent countless hours in a state of mental and emotional stress that I hid from the world. I found it very difficult to pull myself from the heartache I had buried deep down inside, but I kept my faith in God because I knew He would never leave my side. I was lost, lost in a world of my own and no-one could help me, but myself. I knew that if I didn’t do something, things were not going to get better, I felt as if I was decaying externally and internally. As time passed, the internal hurt subsided and I was free from the chains that bound me. Although, I was emotionally better, I felt like those occurrences had aged me. I was 41 years old, feeling like a 90 year old woman. The mental and emotional stress had ripped into my physical appearances. I had so many physical discomforts and aches that did not allow me to function as a good mother. My entire life, I have struggled with digestive issues and relied a lot on fiber. It was very easy to fall asleep during the day, but I struggled to fall asleep at night. . It didn’t matter how much sleep I got, I still found myself wanting to sleep even more. I had no motivation or energy to do things that I used to do years back. I used to be very active in sports and loved working out and taking care of my body. What happened to me? What did my future look like? Why was I a walking train wreck about to happen? Where was my life headed? When were things going to get better? I left it all in the palm of God’s hands. Today marks the end of my Thrive 8 week experience. Wow!!!! Was this for real? Was this a dream? Was it possible for me to be feeling so great on the very first day? I didn’t know the answers to those questions at the time, but 8 weeks later, I am here to tell you. Yes! It is real, it is not a dream and it is very possible to feel this great each and every day! All the mental and emotional baggage I carried with me day in and day out has vanished. Just like that! My hair has grown at least an inch and is no longer falling out, it is thicker and healthier. My sleepless nights are now a thing of the past, I jump out of bed before the sun has a chance to blink, I am energized and pumped up with no more discomforts and aches, I no longer rely on or need fiber, my mental clarity is as crisp as a Spring morning, and I see everything around me so much clearer. My life has taken on a whole new meaning and I am loving it! Since I started on the Le-vel products I have lost 12 pounds and 8 inches throughout my body. I switched to promoter after a week of being on Thrive because I was so excited and enthusiastic to share my results with everyone. Therefore, I was motivated to hit the bonuses within my first fourteen days aboard. I hit both VIP800 AND VIP1600, and yesterday I received my IPAD Mini! For the first time in my life, I cried in bed not because of sorrow and discomfort but because I had been truly blessed and my prayers had been answered. I was proud of myself; it was a big sense of accomplishment. They were now tears of joy. This is just the beginning! I am healthier, happier and will soon be financially stable once again. Thank you Le-Vel!! I look in the mirror now and I love the person staring back at me. I found myself again, in a world of my own.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 20:14:41 +0000

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