My name is Quinton James Loper. I dont have a whole lot of close - TopicsExpress


My name is Quinton James Loper. I dont have a whole lot of close friends to call me nicknames because I tend to keep to myself. Im afraid of being judged and ridiculed. Im afraid maybe Im not good enough or cool enough for people. I worry a lot about what people think of me. I like to sing and dance but Im scared people might not think Im good at it, or they might make fun of me. I like to make jokes and be funny and make people smile, Im a hard worker and I can be a bit of a perfectionist at times. I make plenty of mistakes but I learn from them instead of focusing on them. I have brown eyes and brown hair that makes me feel plain. I have Ray Ban glasses that Ive worn for a little over two years now. I like the way they look but I went through the trouble of getting contacts for a special occasion a while ago and itd be a shame to let them go to waste. I think my glasses are kind of a mask too, they remind me of things. I love animals because theyre so simple to make happy, all they need is love and attention. I feel kind of like an animal sometimes. I have a really hard time being focused sometimes but when I am I can do great things. When I set my sights on a goal I dont let go. I believe the only battle you lose is the one you give up on. I love my family even though weve had our fights and disagreements because that is what life is about, moving on and being happy despite the hard parts. Without the hard parts in life, everything would be easy and not worth it. I have a hard time letting go. I have some anger issues sometimes, and get frustrated easily. Im not as quick to physically erupt anymore when Im angry because Ive learned that breaking things is way easier than fixing them. When you fix something you learn more about it. I like to learn but when I get frustrated with things it makes it harder. I dont think people live within the right boundaries anymore, they dont care about morals or what really matters in life. This is probably another reason I dont have many close friends. I think entirely way too much. I dont know how to stop it but if I could I would. I search for a meaning within everything and I find that fun but I think its unhealthy these days. I love nature, I love trees, grass, flowers, plants, streams, rivers, lakes, ponds, mountains, rocks, and everything in between. The sky is amazing even on cloudy days. Clouds are beautiful. At night when there is a light rainfall and you can see the stars through the gaps in the clouds, that is the best time to hold a conversation with the sky. I love the ocean, I love the sand and the smell of sea air. I think I could drown and probably be okay with that, maybe Id come back as a fish. Fighting for air would be scary but I think my mind would give up when it knows its time to, and when it would the last thing Id see would be the sun from beneath the waves. I like to read but I dont have as much time to anymore. I think Im partially psychic, and the way people think intrigues me but over-analyzing things is dangerous. Im not very artistic but I love art, I appreciate the people who can create beautiful things with nothing but their imagination. Im pretty good with words, and I can cook pretty well too. I dont think Im amazing at anything though. I like being there for people and listening to what they have to say. Ive been working out lately and eating less because Im afraid Im unhealthy and unattractive. Im twenty but I feel like Im somehow older and younger. I like music a lot, but I dont know as much about it as I should probably. I think older music sounds a lot nicer and has more soul. I really really like talking to people. Add me on Skype please. (quinthesane) Thats all I can tell you right now.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 01:44:13 +0000

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