My name is Stephanie, Im from Hillsboro, ND and this is my Thrive - TopicsExpress


My name is Stephanie, Im from Hillsboro, ND and this is my Thrive Experience! I am 35 years old and have an incredibly busy lifestyle. I raise and race quarter horses. Along with that I also breed high quality Australian Shepherd and Great Pyrenees. While working closely with these beautiful animals daily is very rewarding, it can also be exhausting. I saw my good friend posting about Thrive and after some time passed I decided I needed to hear more. I needed more energy and relief from the discomforts in my knees and back. Cleaning stalls, and working with horses is hard on your body. I was relying on coffee and energy drinks to get through the day at that point, and I was willing to try Thrive if it could help me. She sent me a trial pack to start out with. My first day on the product I was blown away. It felt like a cloud had been lifted. I felt alive and full of energy! The best part was I didnt feel the need to drink any coffee. I couldnt understand how this was possible. I had energy all day long and got my stalls cleaned in about half the time. Day 2 was the same way. I had no desire to drink coffee or energy drinks at all and that sustaining energy that lasted all day continued. My mood also was improved! I knew at that point I needed to be Thriving and decided to order product. I couldnt wait for my shipment of Thrive to arrive at my door. As time went on I started running again. I hadnt been able to run more than 2 miles due to the discomfort in my knees. I noticed myself being able to log more and more miles without feeling the discomfort from before. I am now up to running 8-10 miles, 5 days a week and also lifting weights along with the cardio! This is something I never thought I would get back into at my age. I knew after I had been on product for one month I knew I wanted to become a promoter! I activated as a promoter on September 22nd I hit my 4K Mini Ipad Bonus and hit 12K the end of October and qualified for my auto bonus! I am now 40K and I enjoy sharing Thrive with everyone I can. This company has been such a blessing to me in so many ways. It has completely changed my life for the better. I sleep better, eat better and feel better and my finances have greatly improved! My team is amazing and my upline is always there for support! I look towards my future with hope and joy now, instead of worry. Thank you Le-vel!
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 03:37:19 +0000

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